Vikki Foxhill’s newly released “God made Everything and God made You” is a creatively made book that glorifies God and His beautiful gift of life

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“God made Everything and God made You”: a fascinating collection of paintings that showcases the Holy Spirit’s work and God’s power and love for all His creations. “God made Everything and God made You” is the creation of published author Vikki Foxhill, an artist who was inspired by God for this book of Impressionist original paintings. These paintings of human creation were later found to contain images that the artist did not knowingly put into the work, like finding an image in the clouds in the sky. She wants to share the unusual paintings in a story form to glorify the Creator God.

Foxhill shares, “Vikki Foxhill was inspired to paint a portrait of Einstein, but not born yet. When days later, after making the painting, she was astonished to find an image of a dove—the wings around the image of the baby! She recognized the work of the Holy Spirit in her gift of painting. In a series of paintings, with human babies as the subject, images kept showing up without the artist knowing it was there until after the painting was finished.

“Oh, how God values humans, created in the image of God. It is the subject of this book.

“God, creator of all things, He is the greatest artist and the origin of beauty. He is the greatest visionary, the greatest hope, the greatest dreams, the greatest reality, and the greatest love. He gives gifts to his creatures. How God values humans, He gives His Son Jesus. He desires all to know Him.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Vikki Foxhill’s new book is a gratifying display of the power of the Lord that moves within everything one does. These pages of art voice out the wonder that God blessed over His beloved Creations.

View a synopsis of “God made Everything and God made You” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “God made Everything and God made You” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “God made Everything and God made You,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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