Using Digital Pathology to Determine the Role of Tumor-Infiltrating B-Cells in Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Melanoma, Upcoming Webinar Hosted by Xtalks

This is believed to be the first large-scale analysis of gene expression signatures, tumor cell interactions and T- and B-cell interactions by digital pathology in patients treated with targeted therapy.

Biomarkers are needed to identify patients who benefit most from targeted or immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy in metastatic melanoma. This webinar will share an analysis of biomarkers using pre-treatment melanoma samples from the dabrafenib plus trametinib arm of the randomized, Phase III COMBI-v trial using the HALO® image analysis platform combined with gene expression analysis using the Nanostring nCounter technology.

This is believed to be the first large-scale analysis of gene expression signatures, tumor cell interactions and T- and B-cell interactions by digital pathology in patients treated with targeted therapy. Distinct T-cell/B-cell signatures at baseline demonstrated prognostic value, as high T-cell/low B-cell signatures were associated with prolonged survival vs. high T-cell/high B-cell signatures. B cells may be potential biomarkers to identify patients who could achieve improved clinical benefit.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • How biomarker analysis with digital pathology coupled with gene expression analysis can identify T- and B-cell signatures with prognostic value in melanoma
  • How digital image analysis can identify tumor and stroma compartments and perform cell-by-cell analysis of biomarker positivity within the respective compartments to identify and quantify cellular phenotypes
  • How spatial analysis can provide insight into interactions between T- and B-cells

Join Ken Schultz, Principal Scientist, Novartis, for the live webinar on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 1pm EST.

For more information, or to register for this event, visit Using Digital Pathology to Determine the Role of Tumor-Infiltrating B-Cells in Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Melanoma.


Indica Labs software solutions provide fast, quantitative evaluation of whole slide tissues using HALO® and HALO AI™ for image analysis and HALO Link™ and HALO AP® to manage images, data, and facilitate collaboration. With unmatched ease-of-use and scalability, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and research organizations worldwide are using HALO for high-throughput, whole-slide image quantification in areas such as oncology, immuno-oncology, neuroscience, ophthalmology, metabolism, and toxicological pathology.

To learn more about Indica Labs, visit



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