Ubiqus for Relativity Offers Translation and Transcription in One e-Discovery Plugin

Ubiqus, a leading global language service provider developing its own AI-powered innovations, today announced the launch of Ubiqus for Relativity, a new plugin that allows e-discovery teams to both translate and transcribe foreign-language documents using only one tool.

Now available on the Relativity App Hub, Ubiqus for Relativity makes it possible for legal professionals to quickly and securely manage language-processing tasks within Relativity and RelativityOne, a solution offering all the functionality of Relativity in a secure and comprehensive SaaS product. Since translation and transcription are so frequently required during the e-discovery process, bringing the two functions together into one plugin will help Relativity users save time, reduce costs and simplify their tasks – without sacrificing the quality of the final product.

“Ubiqus is proud to bring the innovative AI-powered engines we’ve been developing since 2016 to the Relativity community,” said Vincent Nguyen, President and CTO of the Ubiqus Group. “We believe Ubiqus for Relativity is unique because it integrates two very different services – transcription and translation – as well as both machine service and human proofreading to ensure high levels of quality and accuracy in each file.”

Ubiqus for Relativity is compatible with Relativity versions 9.7+, and RelativityOne, and offers several tools for e-discovery teams, including:

  • A 3-in-1 high-quality translation plugin: Users can choose from neural machine translation, highly qualified human translation, or legally certified translation in all major languages. The resulting text is available in Microsoft file formats, making it easier to review, understand and analyze electronically stored information in a foreign language.
  • A transcription plugin with a built-in interactive media player: Users are able to access the transcript of an audio or video file and then review, search and make edits in a user-friendly interactive audio and video player.
  • Automatic processing of content: Once the file has been translated or transcribed, Ubiqus for Relativity can automatically send it to processing and creates a connection between the source and the translated document, so clients can analyze and review the resulting text as if it were an original.

“We’re excited that Ubiqus for Relativity is now available in the App Hub and a part of our growing app developer community,” said Drew Deitch, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Relativity. “This app offers our global users a simple and easy way to translate their documents without disrupting workflows, embodying Relativity’s vision of simplifying the e-discovery process. I’m looking forward to seeing what they work to develop next for the platform.”

The Ubiqus application was developed in partnership with TSD Services, a leading developer of Relativity’s custom applications and integrations.

“We are extremely delighted to have had the opportunity to partner up with the Ubiqus team to build a connection between their Translation and Transcription platform and Relativity, making multilingual e-discovery process easy and possible for audio, video and text-based ESI.”, said German Gachevski, CEO and CTO of TSD Services.

To learn more about Ubiqus for Relativity, visit https://www.ubiqus.com/ubiqus-for-relativity/

About Ubiqus

Ubiqus Group is a global leader in language services with a flair for AI-driven innovations. With market-leading divisions in the fields of deep learning, translation, interpretation and audio and video transcripts, Ubiqus serves more than 25,000 clients worldwide. Headquartered in France and with offices in seven other countries, the Ubiqus Group provides flexibility, a high level of service and versatility to its clients globally.

Please contact Ubiqus at infoUSA@ubiqus.com or visit https://www.ubiqus.com for more information.

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