Thought Technology’s Webinar Series Highlights the use of Mindfulness with Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback

biofeedback, heart rate variability, mindfulness, HRV, Khazan

Dr. Inna Khazan

Heart rate variability is strongly tied with mindfulness and self-compassion in physiological, emotional, and practical ways.

Thought Technology Ltd. is offering a free webinar series designed to highlight various applications of biofeedback. In the next installment, Dr. Inna Khazan will discuss the benefits of using mindfulness techniques with biofeedback. Mindfulness is a practice whereby individuals learn to bring their attention to the feelings, thoughts, and emotions they are having in the present moment and to respond to those feelings differently, rather than trying to stop having them. Mindfulness enables one to pause long enough to make a choice of response.

Heart rate variability biofeedback is an effective treatment for numerous psychophysiological disorders. Heart rate variability is strongly tied with mindfulness and self-compassion in physiological, emotional, and practical ways. In this webinar, we will discuss the concepts of mindfulness and self-compassion as they apply to heart rate variability and introduce practical ways to integrate heart rate variability biofeedback with mindfulness and self-compassion practices.

Enhancing Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback with Mindfulness and Self-compassion

Presenter: Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB

Date: June 8th, 2020

Time: 1:00-2:00 pm EDT

Click here to register.

About Dr. Inna Khazan

Inna Khazan, PhD, BCB is a faculty member at Harvard Medical School, where she teaches and supervises trainees. A clinical psychologist specializing in health psychology and performance excellence training using biofeedback and mindfulness-based approaches, Dr. Khazan also maintains a private practice in Boston, working with clients on optimizing their health and performance. Recognized as a pioneer in mindfulness-based biofeedback, Dr. Khazan is a popular speaker at national and international conferences on the topics of biofeedback and mindfulness. She has conducted biofeedback and mindfulness trainings for notable institutions in the US and abroad, including the US Navy Special Warfare, US Army Special Forces, and the Stuttgart Opera and Ballet Company. Dr. Khazan serves as president of the board of directors for Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy (IMP), board member for the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB), and Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA), where she is currently chair elect. Dr. Khazan is the author of numerous journal articles, the highly-regarded Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback: A Step-by-Step Guide to Training and Practice with Mindfulness, and the newly released book, Biofeedback and Mindfulness in Everyday Life: Practical Solutions for Improving Your Health and Performance.

About Thought Technology Ltd.

Founded in 1975, Thought Technology is the world’s leading biofeedback and physiological instrument manufacturer. Its products are used as an essential part of many therapeutic treatments and clinical assessment protocols in over 85 countries and are used by tens of thousands of clinicians in thousands of medical institutions.

Always supportive of new research and development ideas, Thought Technology Ltd. has encouraged a number of special interest groups and clinicians to create cutting edge applications for its instrumentation. Thought Technology Ltd. equipment is now being used in telemedicine, web-based monitoring and biofeedback, sports training, research in human-machine interface, physiology-driven multimedia environments and virtual reality. Constantly striving to improve the quality of the products and services, TTL has obtained, and maintains, ISO 13485, and CE certification for the organization and products.

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