The Word of God—Preserved” profoundly tackles the essence of God’s Word despite its many versions

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“The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study”: a potent guide on understanding the realness of the Holy Writ and which biblical perspective to refer to that can greatly aid in one’s spiritual growth. “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study” is the creation of published author Charles T. Kabala.

Kabala shares, “Christians universally agree that the Bible is the word of God—in the ‘original manuscripts.’ That these manuscripts have long since disappeared is the source of some discord among the Christian community, insomuch as many people question the integrity of the Bibles we now have today. This book was written to affirm that God has providentially preserved his words—from inspiration to publication and distribution all the way to your local bookstore. Short enough to be read in one evening, this book will give you a biblical perspective of why there are so many Bible versions to choose from—and what to look for when choosing one.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Charles T. Kabala’s new book leads readers to be perceptive of their nourishment in faith by heartily studying the Word of God and choosing the perfect version to regard.

This book desires to be informative enough to allow readers to discern between a variety of Bible versions and which one to use in their spiritual walk in life.

View the synopsis of “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Bible: The Word of God—Preserved: A Short Bibliographic Study,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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