The Return to Hidden Forest” is a stirring narrative of a group of friends that shows how to embrace change

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“Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest”: an enthralling book that inspires the readers to be brave in embracing renewal. “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest” is the creation of published author Ronald R. Strahl, an educator and counselor who has dedicated his career to helping individuals discover solutions for the many painful dilemmas that their lives present.

Strahl writes, “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest is a fast-paced and heartwarming story about how a group of friends discovers the importance of questioning old beliefs and of embracing renewal. The friends have some innocent misadventures with a family of bears that help them understand how their wild cousins don’t spend time mired in the past. By contrast, they learn that when human encounters went sour it was usually a product of lazy humans holding on to old beliefs and behaviors that had lost most of their original meaning.

“This book features Chase Baer, who demonstrates both strength and willingness to embrace change. From surviving a plot to get him fired to finding the love of his life, Chase Baer demonstrates an example after example of the kind of strength of character that exemplifies a life of integrity.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Ronald R. Strahl’s new book is an attempt to explore the strength of the meek through a second story involving the resident of a hidden forest and the humans that interact with them.

Through this book, Strahl takes the readers to an exciting reading experience as the book shows how the characters display the kind of strength that elucidates a life of integrity.

View a synopsis of “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Inheritance of the Meek: The Return to Hidden Forest,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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