The First Payment Optional Personal Development Platform by R-Squared

R-Squared-edu cover photo

R-Squared-edu Cover Photo – Abuse

Regardless of one’s financial status, age, religion, class, race, or creed, who one was raised by or where, all human souls are worthy of their own light. ~ Seanna Smallwood

While there may be people that can afford to invest in themselves for commodities like personal development, self-love, therapies, and big spa days, the reality is, everyone needs access to these commodities so they are afforded the opportunity to heal from whatever traumas they may have experienced in their lives – especially those that can not afford to invest in themselves. Regardless of one’s financial status, age, religion, class, race, or creed, who one was raised by or where, all human souls are worthy of their own light.

After nearly three decades of success in real estate and mortgage loan originations, Seanna took the deep dive to return to her passion career in helping people heal from childhood traumas and help families break cycles of abuse – leading others to heal from their experiences and learn how to teach what they’ve learned through those experiences to others.

Children do not know they’re being abused and most adult survivors of child abuse do not have the conscious realization that they were abused as children. It’s a remarkable discovery and can be paralyzing and painful when these buried memories resurface into a person’s conscious mind. It can potentially have adverse effects on their children, their finances, their marriage, their emotional, psychological, and physical health, their employment status — the list goes on and on on the powerful impact.

Current healthcare modalities for treating therapy patients typically refuse to look at the “upstream” cause and effect; thereby, focusing on the problem itself – avoiding the much deeper roots of the cause. When we lead the human population to experience a paradigm shift using an approach that focuses on shifting their own individual perspectives on their experiences — shifting how they look at those experiences in a progressive manner, something really remarkable happens — healing begins. R-Squared follows their own unique biopsychosocial model of progression from victim mentality, to survivor mentality, to breaking the cycle.

R-Squared is a platform that offers payment optional courses to any individual who wishes to transform their life by stepping out of the darkness and into the light. To-date, there are two courses available on the platform and numerous YouTube videos, PodCasts, and even an Amazon Alexa Skill that allows people to share experiences, have their voices heard (anonymously or publicly), and even build their own community of supporters through Community Forums on the site courses and via their Facebook Group exclusively designed for R-Squared students.

Just ONE share of any of the courses or YouTube channel content could potentially save thousands of lives and could heal family cycles of abuse for generations to come.

The subconscious mind is a wildly misunderstood and overlooked aspect of ourselves, children, peers, social groups, even teachers and mentors.

The world is asleep! It’s time to wake up to the truth of what everyone appears to be ignoring. Everyone on the planet has been abused in some way as children. Children do not know they’re being abused until they’re adults and have something to compare their experience with. Smallwood is not saying your parents were evil abusers; nor is she saying they knowingly did so. Rather, some aspect of every parent, exhibited behaviors that have shaped us into who we are today – good, bad, or indifferent – some have been negatively affected more than others.

RSquared-edu seeks to help students discover what aspects of this deep subconscious phenomenon has been overlooked inside of everyone. Their goal is to help their students discover who they truly are.

Why is it that people focus so much on what’s outside of themselves? Instead, they tend to focus on our external environments, the cover of the book. When people jump on the hamster wheel of what’s in their external environments they fail to look inside themselves, their children, their friends and family, and everyone else to love others for who they truly are – their true authentic selves. Then suddenly, people become angry and feel victimized when they realize they’ve never been truly loved, not even by their own parents. — This is what their message is, this is their mission.

Their YouTube content and online classes take that deep dive into WHY people behave the way they do, why people stay on cycles they don’t even realize they’re on, and why people generally fear and even run from their own healing.

Take a peek at their course offerings. New courses are released often.

Seanna remains committed to posting more content & live podcasts on the R-Squared playlist. If you want to be a featured guest to share your story of abuse, your cycle, or a success story as to how one of their courses helped someone transform their life? Simply schedule a discovery call.

They’ve added a new, fun and engaging PodCast topic, “Life with Seanna Smallwood & a Not So Random 12-Year Old” that might also interest you. Here’s their 1st ever episode.

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