The Company Remains Ready and Able to Serve their Customers


RFT is very mindful that their customers are being delivered superior care in order to provide protection to employees, patients and residents. The company’s first priority is that safety and security needs are met.

They have taken a number of steps to mitigate the impact of this outbreak to customers, employees and the community, and are confident in their ability to keep them protected, in a safe and responsible manner.

Keeping all employees and customers safe is RFT’s number one priority, especially now with the coronavirus pandemic. All services delivered in person at customer sites will follow the CDC guidelines for personal prevention techniques. All visits will be performed by Sales and Technical Service staff authorized and trained to be on site at the facility. Specific protocols mandated by specified companies or facilities will be strictly followed upon request. Rest assured that RFT will take all necessary precautions to keep everyone safe and secure.

The Company as a whole has also taken specific measures to protect the health of all employees in the field and at the production facilities. Much of RFT’s employee base is now working remotely to help slow the spread of this virus. Maximizing the use of virtual and remote tools and restricting travel to essential trips only ensures continued safe service to customers.

Rest assured that RFT will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and will make necessary adjustments in order to keep their facilities safe and secure. Thank you for partnering with us and allowing us to continue servicing all in these uncertain times. We will all get through this together.

RF Technologies (RFT) is a leading provider of safety and security solutions for senior living, healthcare, hospitality, and education, leveraging radio frequency identification (RFID) and real-time locating system (RTLS) technologies. The RFT brand family includes CODE ALERT® call and wander management systems, SAFE PLACE® patient security systems, SENSATEC® fall management products, HELP ALERT® staff duress systems, and EXACTRACK® equipment location systems. With more than 10,000 installations, RFT was the first in the industry to offer remote monitoring, RF consulting, 24/7 technical support by internal staff specialists, and a nationwide service team. Backed by 30+ years of experience in senior living, RFT solutions are UL-certified to meet today’s life safety standards, and can be integrated with other systems for an improved total cost of ownership. For more information visit our website at:, LinkedIn at:

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