The American Meditation Institute Inaugurates National Conscience Month to Instruct and Inspire Humanity on How to Let Their Conscience be Their Guide in Making Choices

Let your Conscience be your guide!

Because all our problems begin with thoughts coming from the human mind, these problems and the associated pain can only be solved by using the unerring wisdom of the conscience. — Leonard Perlmutter

The first-ever National Conscience Month is being launched January 1, 2020 by The American Meditation Institute (AMI), an organization devoted to providing comprehensive training in Yoga Science—the world’s oldest holistic mind/body medicine. With the mission of encouraging individuals across the nation to practice using their conscience as a guide, this month-long observance is vital education––especially for those burdened by stress, burnout, fear, anger and the general discontent that pervades our society.

New Year’s Eve means the making of resolutions for millions of Americans. However, while stating a resolution can be easy, sticking to it often proves to be quite difficult. The challenge comes soon after the first of the year when old, unconscious habits kick back in, or we find we are not fully committed to the resolution–– and we lose our focus and will power. This year, National Conscience Month reminds us to use the inborn technology of our Conscience for creating and keeping personally meaningful and culturally beneficial resolutions.

The inspiration for National Conscience Month grew out of the Yoga Science “Law of Karma” which states simply that thoughts lead to words, actions and, eventually, to consequences. According to Leonard Perlmutter, AMI founder and originator of Conscience Month, “This law of cause and effect is as real and unavoidable as the Law of Gravity. Once we appreciate the mechanics of the “Law of Karma” (that thought precedes action, and action precedes consequence), we all can start experiencing the unimagined, profound benefits to be found in relying on the unerring wisdom of the Conscience as it guides the thoughts we choose to think, words we speak and actions we take.”

National Conscience Month’s (January 2020) campaign will:

  • Remind, educate and raise awareness about the value of using your conscience as a guide to making better decisions.
  • Build and activate a national movement that embraces the role of conscience-driven choices in experiencing more health, happiness and security, while creating more rewarding lives for our families, communities, states and nation.
  • Encourage individual actions through simple experiments that aid in increasing positivity, self-confidence, and self-reliance.

1. A free screening of the movie “Peaceful Warrior” to be followed by an engaging discussion about the importance of using your Conscience as your guide for a healthy, happy, and productive life. This two-part event will be presented at the Cohoes Music Hall, 58 Remsen Street, Cohoes, NY, on January 9, 2020 at 7 pm.

2. Four high school students from the Capital region in New York State will be awarded the first-ever National Conscience Month scholarships totaling $2,000. Recipients will be selected through original artistic creations inspired by the use or denial of the Conscience. Submissions will be accepted in four categories: Creative Writing; Visual Art (two-dimensional); Music or Song; and Video.

Public Service Announcement: “The Time is Now”

Public Service Announcement: “MORE”

INTERVIEW OPPORTUNITY: Leonard Perlmutter, originator of National Conscience Month and founder of The American Meditation Institute will be available for interviews. Contact Robert Washington for details.

Media Contact:

Robert Washington

60 Garner Road

Averill Park, NY 12018

Tel: 518-674-8714

Fax: 518-674-8714

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