Texas Company’s Unique Approach to Reminding Men to Wash their Hands

MVPee_Wash hands_urinal screen

MVP Wash Your Hands Urinal Screen

85% of men need a reminder to wash their hands

Restaurants, golf courses, churches and schools in many states will gradually be opening up for business. While most of these businesses have men’s restrooms, fully 85% of men surprisingly do not wash their hands after their visit. MVPee.com, based in Dallas, Texas is trying to ensure that men who visit restrooms will remember to wash their hands to stop the spread of Covid-19. MVPee’s solution is a friendly reminder in the form of a urinal screen with a message to that effect. These screens would even work in Larry David’s style of urinal

A study by Michigan State University concluded that the vast majority of men don’t bother to wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that the decision whether or not to wash their hands often takes place prior to men zipping up.

MVPee.com is trying to change that trajectory by giving away 5,000 urinal screens to any public business that has a urinal. The screens are strategically placed, to be viewed, precisely at the time of decision by men, of whether to wash or not.

MVPee message screens have been used by state health departments (quit smoking), state departments of transportation (costs of DWI), colleges (stop sexual assault), the Army Corp of Engineers (wear a life preserver) – even churches have used their message screens to tell parishioners “not to worry, sometimes we all miss the mark.”

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