Teresa M. Caringi’s newly released “Shepherd’s Daughter” is a compelling handbook that inspires the readers to keep their focus to Jesus as they journey their lives

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“Shepherd’s Daughter”: a contemporary handbook that guides the readers in following the path that God has prepared for them. “Shepherd’s Daughter” is the creation of published author Teresa M. Caringi, a writer who has served God in various churches and on prayer and healing teams. She is an author sharing God’s teachings and inspirational stories inspired and led by the Holy Spirit.

Caringi writes, “Faith contains the power to birth the supernatural. It raises you above all circumstances to believe in what is not yet seen. The path walked is paved by faith. Maybe you’re at a place where you’ve been knocked down by storm after storm, and you’re struggling to get back up. Situations you believed God to change have worsened. This hour your weakness shall know God’s strength. What appears as your defeat and end births forth victory and a new beginning. Circumstances appeared as defeat and the end for Jesus as he climbed the hill to Calvary. In reality, it was his greatest victory and a new beginning for all. Without death, there’d be no resurrection. The same is true in our walk. Peter walked on water until his focus changed from Jesus to circumstance. Yet remember that Jesus lifted him before he sank. As he shall do for you.”

“All is not as it appears. You only need to regain focus on whom your faith rests. May the obstacles overcome, lessons learned, and inspirational teachings throughout my shared journey grant birth within you to the revelation of faith to believe in what is not yet seen and the strength to perseverance beyond circumstance unto victory.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Teresa M. Caringi’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience as the author gives readers a gleaming light that will guide them throughout their journey in life as a son or daughter of the good shepherd.

With this book, Caringi brings the readers back to a scenario where Jesus lifted up Peter, so they may be able to realize that God will never abandon His people and is willing to redirect them.

View a synopsis of “Shepherd’s Daughter” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Shepherd’s Daughter” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Shepherd’s Daughter,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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