Anyone experiencing headaches concurrently with any kind of jaw pain or discomfort should visit their dentist for a checkup.
February 26, 2021
A December 10 article on Popsugar reports on several teeth-related causes for headaches. The article points out that the same nerves that are responsible for the jaw are also responsible for other parts of the head. If there is an infection or inflammation in the teeth, that pain can expand outside of the jaw. According to the article, tension headaches can originate in the jaw, possibly relating to an individual’s bite. Dental office Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care says that anyone experiencing headaches concurrently with any kind of jaw pain or discomfort should visit their dentist for a checkup.
Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care says that in general, any kind of oral pain is worth a checkup. That pain is probably an indicator that something is wrong, whether it’s a mild or severe toothache caused by an infection, bite problem, or any other kind of oral ailment. The dental center notes that they can progress into much more serious concerns. More often than not, it can be very difficult to determine which is occurring without a professional weighing in. The risk simply isn’t worth it, the center notes, especially considering that most checkups are quick, comfortable, and can lead to rapid and effective treatment if there does turn out to be a worthy concern.
The Southern California dental center notes that, even if a headache or other issue is indeed unrelated or benign, staying on top of dental and oral health never hurts. The office says that, regardless, people should visit their dentist at least twice a year for a checkup to make sure that everything is as it should be. Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care says that sometimes ailments can develop without any symptoms at all, but a routine checkup may stop something in its tracks before it ever gets a chance to cause pain, frustration, or serious damage.
The dental center also notes that there are, of course, essential at-home measures that can be taken to preserve dental health too, starting with regular brushing and flossing. The chances of developing tooth decay, infections, and more are all heightened by a lax dental routine, the center adds. Brushing and flossing limit the plaque and tartar buildup that’s known to cause a multitude of oral and other health concerns.
Readers that are interested in learning more about Santa Clarita Valley Dental Care can visit their website at or call (661) 259-9674.
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