Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments In Case That Could Impact Abortion Care Access For Millions

“Abortion care is an essential part of the full spectrum of reproductive health services and a common part of the reproductive life-course for many people,” said Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, CEO of Power to Decide.

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case that directly challenges Roe v. Wade. At issue is a Mississippi law that would ban abortion care after 15 weeks of pregnancy. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, 24 states are poised to ban access to abortion care immediately.

The state of Mississippi’s efforts are in direct conflict with popular opinion. Recent polling from Power to Decide shows that 74% of respondents (including 75% of white, 80% of Black and 65% of Hispanics respondents) believe abortion care should remain legal. In addition, two-thirds (66%) are concerned that people may not be able to access abortion care now and in the future.

“Abortion care is an essential part of the full spectrum of reproductive health services and a common part of the reproductive life-course for many people,” said Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, CEO of Power to Decide. “Despite public support for abortion care, the state of Mississippi is asking the court to reverse Roe which would threaten people’s ability to manage their reproductive health and endanger their physical and emotional well-being.”

Research shows that abortion care restrictions and bans impact people’s financial status and emotional health. Women denied abortion care are four times as likely to live below the federal poverty line compared to those who were able to access abortion care when needed, according to data. In addition, they are more likely to experience serious health complications from pregnancy and experience poor physical health for years after the pregnancy.

“We only have to look to Texas to see what is at stake before the court today,” continued McDonald-Mosley. “The harmful Texas ban has forced people with lower incomes, people of color and people in rural areas to travel to other states for abortion care. Many have been unable to surmount these barriers and are unable to receive the care they need. The ability to access the full spectrum of reproductive health services should not depend on your income level or where you live. Everyone – regardless of background or economic status – deserves the opportunity to decide if, when and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child.”

Power to Decide is a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization that works to ensure all people—no matter who they are, where they live or what their economic status might be—have the power to decide if, when and under what circumstances to get pregnant or have a child. Please visit us our follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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