SPRYTE Communications Sponsors JCC Staff Appreciation Trail Walk on National Walking Day

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“The JCC was a godsend to the community during the pandemic. The staff went above and beyond to stay safe and be open as much as possible. They deserve to be shown members’ appreciation and to be celebrated for their hard work,” said SPRYTE CEO Lisa Simon.

SPRYTE Communications is sponsoring the Katz JCC’s Staff Appreciation Trail Walk, lunch and motivational speaker David Hale Sylvester on National Walking Day, Wednesday, April 6. The event salutes the hard-working staff of the Katz JCC while encouraging walking as an easy and accessible fitness option.

Staff will gather in the JCC Lobby at noon and head across Springdale Road to Kresson Trails, an outdoor series of looping walking trails created by Cherry Hill Township.

After a vigorous walk, the group will return to the JCC’s social hall where David Hale Sylvester of worldwide hugging fame and also a professional personal trainer will present motivational comments. For the past several weeks members have been invited to share staff appreciation sentiments, some of which will be read during the lunch.

“During the COVID-19 pandemic SPRYTE Communications sponsored a new JCC Walking Club for adults to walk outside together,” said SPRYTE CEO Lisa Simon. She sees next Wednesday’s staff appreciation walking event as a continuation of a good theme. “The JCC was a godsend to the community during the pandemic. The staff went above and beyond to stay safe and be open as much as possible. They deserve to be shown members’ appreciation and to be celebrated for their hard work.”

SPRYTE Communications delivers corporate and consumer public relations services exclusively in healthcare. Hospitals and health systems, institutes of healthcare higher education, social service agencies. hospice and palliative care providers, home care companies, medical practices, health causes and health foundations are the healthcare industries SPRYTE supports. Corporate communications, both internal and external, and hyperlocal consumer earned media outreach are SPRYTE’s proven healthcare public relations strengths.

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