Deals displayed on Shipmate are aggregated from cruise lines and other travel booking partners. Users will find cruise deals from major mainstream, premium, luxury and river lines with sailings to destinations worldwide. For each deal, Shipmate provides historical pricing data to show how much of a percentage that fare has changed.
When a user searches for deals on Shipmate, they will have a wide range of options to view deals based on their travel preferences. Users can select to sort for deals by cruise line, cruise ship, destination, sail month, length, or even stateroom category. To take it a step further, these deals can be sorted by price (low to high or high to low), price per night, voyage length, sail date, or even to display Shipmate’s selection of recommended deals.
Once a user finds a cruise they like, they can tap to select that cruise and see more details on the ship, itinerary, dates, and pricing options per stateroom category. Users ready to book will press a button to be sent to Shipmate’s partner’s websites to finalize the booking and all details.
In-depth details on how to use Shipmate’s search tool can be found at: Shipmate Introduces New Cruise Deal Searching Features
“Our new deal searching tool on Shipmate was created to give travelers an easy way to score a great price on their dream cruise. It’s available at no cost to anyone who downloads the Shipmate app, making it one of the most accessible cruise deal searching functions available on the market,” said Jamie Cash, General Manager of and Shipmate. “Not only do we display the cruise pricing, but we’ve made it incredibly easy to sort and filter deals based on your travel preferences. Our aim with Shipmate is to become a one-stop-shop destination for travelers to not just find the right cruise, but to take it a step further and find the best cruise price.”
Beyond Deals On Shipmate
Shipmate has already made waves in the market as the number-one cruise app, with more than 2.7 million downloads.
The app offers a wide range of tools to be used before, during, and after a cruise. Features on Shipmate currently include verified cruise reviews, ship/port research tools, cruise community-driven discussion and Q&A areas, expert cruise advice features, ship deck plans, member-submitted photos, and cruise ship tracking. Shipmate also offers Price Alerts where users can opt-in to receive email notifications about a chosen sailing whenever the price changes.
Shipmate provides a number of resources for users to store cruise history, create cruise countdowns, and prepare for upcoming cruises with roll calls, ship deck plans, and shore excursion booking tools. The app was the first to introduce a Future Cruise Credit Tracker in 2021, allowing users to store details for FCCs given by cruise lines during their pause in operations. To add to this list of highlights now is Shipmate’s new advanced cruise deal searching features, helping travelers save big on cruises.
To download Shipmate and access the new deal search tools on iOS visit the Apple App Store: here. Shipmate is available on Google Play for Android devices here.
Editor’s Note: Downloadable photos are available here
Media Contact
Brooke Franco, Shipmate and, 1-877-958-7447, [email protected],
SOURCE Shipmate and