See How Faith in Times of Adversity Can Transform People in Take a Bite Out of Jesus

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“We carry around in earthly bodies our weaknesses…One day, our earthly bodies will fail, but on that last day, we will be raised unto eternal life. That is the power of the Lord Almighty being shown. His perfect will to raise up my weak, defeated body and to be given a new everlasting body!”

Take A Bite Out of Jesus: Healing Bread That Strengthens Us is a compilation of Rodney Alan Hempel’s pieces of wisdom taught to him by his father, as well as those taken from his experiences. Dubbed as “thorns,” these challenges are permitted by Christ to come into people’s lives in various forms—family problems, financial trouble, health issues, and the like. Throughout the book, the author happily shares how every painful moment he endured became an avenue for him to bond with those close to him and continue praising God while growing as a Christian. More information about the author and the book will be available on

Hempel’s declining health is a focal point in his work as he talks about his diabetes and osteoarthritis and their various complications. These illnesses cost him a lifelong career in business, yet he advises readers not to dwell in pain and allow it to become a humbling experience. These instances are meant to show people that the Almighty remains steadfast in the face of man’s weakness, and that trusting in one’s own ability and competitiveness only brings momentary glory and recognition.

“There is a fundamental human desire to walk our purposeful lives—to have a life of meaning that satisfies,” the author writes as he talks about humanity’s collective desire to give importance to their existence. “As we journey through our days, many folks seek to find self-worth in pursuing their specially given purpose—to leave their personal mark of making a better world for others, to have a personal significance—a life that rocks their world.”

After the drastic changes in his career, Hempel sought guidance from God on how to move forward. He found opportunities working in golf, a sport he had a talent for even as a young man. The Lord showered Hempel with blessings in this field, but it was also short-lived when more “thorns” were permitted by God to once again pierce the author’s life through the worsening condition of his osteoarthritis. Despite being rendered nearly immobile, Hempel reminded his readers of the weakness of man’s body and the strength of the Almighty.

Much like Job from the Old Testament and the apostle Paul in the New Testament, Hempel has his share of happiness and tragedy which serve as direct messages from God. He does not fear death which looms over the heads of every person, but he rejoices at God’s promise—salvation through Christ. Mankind simply needs to “take a big bite of Jesus,” the Bread of Life, because doing will allow a person’s temporary body to be renewed when it is time for the final judgment.

“We carry around in earthly bodies our weaknesses, but new life is at work in us!” Man’s body eventually deteriorates, but healing and eternal life can only come from Christ. “One day, our earthly bodies will fail, but on that last day, we will be raised unto eternal life. That is the power of the Lord Almighty being shown. His perfect will to raise up my weak, defeated body and to be given a new everlasting body!”

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