San Jose, CA Dentist, Dr. Amir HagShenas, Improves Dental Implant Surgery with Carestream CT Technology

Dr. Amir HagShenas, Dentist in San Jose, CA

San Jose, CA Dentist, Dr. Amir HagShenas, Invests in Carestream CT Scanner

Once the treatment planning is complete with the help of the Carestream CT scanner, Dr. HagShenas can place the implants into the appropriate areas of the mouth for optimal results.

Experienced dentist, Dr. Amir HagShenas invests in new, leading-edge Carestream CT technology to improve the experience for patients seeking more permanent dentures solutions in San Jose, CA. The Carestream CT technology enhances the precision of placement with each dental implant. Plus, by using 3D imaging, Dr. HagShenas gains a greater understanding of the patient’s health, allowing him to create the best treatment plan for full arch dental implant cases.

Full arch dental implants are the most stable and long-term denture alternative utilizing four to six implants placed strategically into the jawbone. Once in place, a natural-looking, strong bridge of teeth is secured to the implant posts permanently. The result is a smile that looks and functions just like natural teeth. Patients can bite, chew, speak and smile confidently, knowing they no longer have to worry about what foods are prohibited or about their dentures falling out.

“If you are missing a number of teeth or all of your teeth, full arch dental implants may be a solution,” says Dr. HagShenas. “Dental implants are basically root replacements that get embedded into the jawbone and allow you to place teeth on top. Those teeth get locked into the dental implants, allowing you to have a very beautiful, natural smile.”

One of the first steps in the full arch dental implant process is to receive x-rays of the jaw and mouth. Dr. HagShenas uses Carestream CT technology at this stage in order to capture detailed digital images at a much higher quality than traditional x-rays. This technology exposes patients to far less radiation and can capture panoramic images in just seconds, meaning patients are rarely uncomfortable. These images offer this respected dentist an improved understanding of the patient’s jaw, allowing for more detailed treatment planning on the angle, position and depth in which each dental implant should be placed.

Once the treatment planning is complete with the help of the Carestream CT scanner, Dr. HagShenas can place the implants into the appropriate areas of the mouth for optimal results. This streamlined process makes the surgery quicker and safer for patients, leading them to receive a new smile, often the same day as surgery.

Those interested in learning more about the Carestream CT technology or permanent denture options in San Jose, CA are encouraged to call Dr. HagShenas and his team at Silicon Valley Smile Solutions. Appointments can be made by calling 408-377-5134 or by visiting the website at

About the Practice

Silicon Valley Smile Solutions offers full-service dentistry in San Jose, CA. Dr. Amir HagShenas has been practicing dentistry for nearly 30 years. Dr. HagShenas received his doctorate in dental surgery degree from the University of Minnesota, where he has since been honored with the Irwin A. Epstein Award for Excellence in Endodontics, among other numerous accomplishments. Every year, Dr. HagShenas completes many hours of continuing education in implant and surgical dentistry, far above the requirements mandated by the Dental State Board of California. His motive: “I am committed to help my patients to receive the very best in dentistry.” Dr. HagShenas and his team at Silicon Valley Smile Solutions are dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest dental technologies in order to provide the highest quality of care for patients undergoing treatments like full arch dental implants. Skilled in numerous areas of dental treatments, Dr. HagShenas is particularly passionate about providing long-lasting, full arch dental implant treatments that are, in many cases, available in just one office visit. It is Dr. HagShenas’ goal to form lasting connections with every patient built on trust, partnership, and compassion. To learn more about Dr. HagShenas and the services offered at Silicon Valley Smile Solutions visit or call 408-377-5134 to schedule a consultation.

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