Rothman Institute Accepts Eastern Orthopaedic Association’s Musculoskeletal Infection Award

Eastern Orthopaedic Association Award Winners

This study is further evidence that NGS technology is superior to traditional culture techniques.

MicroGenDX, the world leader in providing Next Generation DNA Sequencing (NGS) in microbial identification, played a key role in the award-winning study “Next Generation Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Knee Infection: A Multicenter Investigation” led by the Rothman Institute. The molecular diagnostic laboratory processed samples using Next Generation DNA Sequencing to examine the ability of NGS to identify the causative organisms in patients with PJI of the knee. The study recently accepted the Eastern Orthopaedic Association’s Musculoskeletal Infection Award.

“This is a quantum leap in orthopedics,” says Javad Parvizi, MD. “In my practice alone, using NGS to study the microbiome of joints allowed us to isolate the infective organisms in over 90% of culture negative cases. This is science moving the clinical practice to another realm.”

Identifying the infecting organism in periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) as well as surgical management of PJI remains a challenge with a third of PJIs reported to have negative cultures. The multi-institutional investigation was initiated to examine the ability of NGS to identify the causative organisms in patients with PJI of the knee.

“The use of NGS in my patient population has been transformative,” continues Dr. Parvizi. “I have access to comprehensive microbial data quickly which expedites administration of appropriate antimicrobials and substantially improves outcome of surgical care.”

The hypothesis of this multicenter endeavor was that NGS is able to identify potential pathogens in the majority of culture-negative PJIs. Findings of the study point convincingly to the demonstrative value of diagnosing chronic infections with Next-Generation DNA Sequencing.

“This study is further evidence that NGS technology is superior to traditional culture techniques,” says Rick Martin, MicroGenDX CEO. “Our advanced molecular diagnostic test gives hope to patients suffering from devastating chronic infections and will help to save limbs and lives.”

About MicroGenDX

MicroGenDX is a CAP accredited and CLIA certified molecular diagnostic lab and is the leader in providing the gold standard of microbial diagnostics via DNA technology: Next Generation DNA Sequencing (NGS), qPCR and Resistance Gene detection. Through the utilization of a curated database of 50,000+ microbial species DNA Sequence codes, MicroGenDX provides clinicians and their patients with the most informative microbial diagnostic testing that science can offer; resulting in better outcomes.

Unlike the traditional culturing of samples, Next Generation DNA Sequencing is able to extract the microbial DNA from the sample you provide and report precisely what the patient is dealing with via NGS technology versus what a lab was able to grow. This technology allows for faster and more accurate diagnostics resulting in improved treatment and healing times in clinical outcomes.

MicroGenDX has over 10 years experience running more NGS samples – over 400,000 and counting — than any laboratory in the world. The laboratory location in Lubbock Texas MicroGenDX is led by a team of molecular biologists, biochemists, and physicians.

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