Based on research, the CAT-SUD-E assessment tool provided a more complete characterization of SUD in both diagnostic classification and severity measurement.
October 06, 2022
A new research study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports reveals that an enhanced measure of the Computerized Adaptive Test for Substance Use Disorder (CAT-SUD), the CAT-SUD-Expanded (CAT-SUD-E), harmonizes information from mental health, trauma, social support, and traditional SUD items to provide a more complete characterization of SUD and provides both diagnostic classification and severity measurement. Both tools are part of the CAT-MH™ suite of mental and behavioral health assessments, developed by Adaptive Testing Technologies.
Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a public health emergency1, where most people with SUDs do not receive treatment for their SUDs and related mental health disorders2. Identifying those in need is a major barrier to receiving treatment3. SUD identification and treatment is predicated on accurate diagnoses, monitoring changes in risk and severity over time, and effective, timely interventions, targeted at the identified SUDs4.
The CAT-SUD, an adaptive test based on multidimensional item response theory, has been expanded to a new measure, CAT-SUD-E, to include 7 specific Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th edition (DSM-5) defined SUDs. The CAT-SUD-E quickly produces results similar to lengthy structured clinical interviews for overall SUD and substance-specific SUDs, with high precision and accuracy, through a combination of fixed-item responses for diagnostic classification and adaptive SUD severity measurement. Participants were asked if they had used any of the following substances during the selected timeframe and then again, separately for lifetime use: alcohol, cannabis/marijuana/spice, nicotine (vaping, smoking, chewing), opioids, cocaine/crack, methamphetamines/amphetamines, hallucinogens, and sedatives. For each substance selected for each timeframe (e.g., past 30 days and lifetime), 5 questions, based on DSM-5 criteria, were asked.
Based on research conducted by study lead author, Leslie A. Hulvershorn, MD, MSc, Interim Co-Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Director, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, and Robert Gibbons, Ph.D., Blum-Riese Professor at the University of Chicago, the CAT-SUD-E assessment tool provided a more complete characterization of SUD in both diagnostic classification and severity measurement. Specifically:
· Adults completed CAT-SUD-E and structured diagnostic interviews
· CAT-SUD-E accurately predicted current and lifetime SUD diagnoses
· Median CAT-SUD-E completion time was less than 4 minutes
· Information is synthesized from multiple domains to assess SUD more comprehensively
“We have developed a new approach for the diagnostic screening and measurement of SUD that builds on our earlier work in adaptive measurement of SUD,” said Dr. Hulvershorn. “Our methodology synthesizes information from multiple related domains providing a more comprehensive measure of SUD and adds to that current and lifetime overall and substance-specific SUD diagnoses.”
About the Study
The study included 275 Community-dwelling adults (ages 18–68) who responded to public and social-media advertisements. Participants virtually completed both the CAT-SUD-E and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5, Research Version (SCID) to assess the validity of the CAT-SUD-E in determining whether participants met criteria for specific DSM-5 SUDs. Diagnostic classifications were based on 7 SUDs, each with 5 items, for current and lifetime SUDs.
About Adaptive Testing Technologies
Adaptive Testing Technologies (ATT) is the leader in the design, testing, and implementation of large-scale, cloud-based mental health assessment tools based on Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) and Computerized Adaptive Diagnostic (CAD) technologies. These tools are utilized by health professionals to assess a variety of mental health conditions – including depression, anxiety, mania, psychosis, PTSD, substance use disorder, suicide risk, ADHD, and assess Social Determinants of Health. The CAT-MH™ and K-CAT® represent the first and only validated, comprehensive, multidimensional item-response-theory-based adaptive screening and measurement systems in the world. They provide levels of precision and accuracy that is far beyond what can be achieved using traditional fixed-length mental health assessment scales and can be administered anywhere at any frequency, in or out of the clinic, to any sized population. ATT’s tools are currently being utilized in emergency departments, psychiatric and primary care clinics, telemedicine, student health clinics, perinatal medicine clinics, child welfare settings, substance use disorder programs, federal and state mental health programs, employee assistance programs, and the judicial system. The tools are available worldwide and are currently being used worldwide.
Hannah Wulczyn, MPA
Adaptive Testing Technologies
mailto:hwulczyn@adaptivetestingtechnologies.com [hwulczyn@adaptivetestingtechnologies.com __title__ null]
312.878.6490, Ext. 505
1 Haffajee and Frank, 2018
2 Creedon and Lê Cook, 2016
3 Priester et al., 2016
4 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US), 2016
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