Renee Kennedy’s newly released “The Great Jay Gatsby” is a creative perspective on the familiar character of Jay Gatsby

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“The Great Jay Gatsby”: a thoughtful analogy of God’s love. “The Great Jay Gatsby” is the creation of published author Renee Kennedy.

Kennedy shares, “F. Scott Fitzgerald sets The Great Gatsby around WWI; he leaves the reader with a mystery of the true identity and education of his fictional character. This novel, The Great Jay Gatsby supplies the answers and sets the novel in WWII.

“The reader must decide whether Gatsby lived and when? Meet the Great Gatsby’s beautiful wife in the pages of this story.

“A literary achievement for any writer is to create a fictional character so real that the reader believes they lived. In the case of James Bond, this fictional character was borrowed by so many writers that the encyclopedia lists James Bond as a living person. Renee Kennedy will make you believe Jay Gatsby is a living person in history. The story is set in an era when autos and planes among other invented technologies are new to society and adds more interest to the reader. The novel promotes good morals and encourages parents to love their children.

“God is love, and love softens any heart. The inspirational and motivational message for daily living is to cherish every gift of love from God. Why? Tragedy may strike at any time! A loved one can be lost in a moment. Many today may enjoy love but have forgotten who the source of love is. A hardened heart through force of habit may forget God.

“Gatsby forgets God when he loses his family and forgets his family when he fights in WWII. God gave Jay Gatsby victory over the sting of death; God is watching us all from a distance. This book captures how love between a man and woman should truly be embraced, and no matter what losses one may face, romance or love should be remembered, not forgotten.

“The love of The Great Jay Gatsby should not only be for his family but also for his God. Nothing may separate us from God’s love.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Renee Kennedy’s new book is a delightful adventure that will have readers racing to see what twists and turns may await in this compelling romance.

Consumers can purchase “The Great Jay Gatsby” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Great Jay Gatsby,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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