Regina Warren’s newly released “Open Your Heart And Write Your Vision” is an enthralling book of encouragement that urges the readers to open their hearts

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“Open Your Heart And Write Your Vision”: an impelling narrative that will turn everyone’s brokenness to the most wonderful and unforgettable lessons in life. “Open your Heart And Write Your Vision” is the creation of published author Regina Warren, a woman who loves encouraging individuals to achieve their hearts’ desires and tap their God-given potential. She has conducted vision board workshops educating individuals on S.M.A.R.T. goal concept, strategic planning, and vision board construction.

Warren writes, “Enough is enough. You’ve checked yourself into the hospital and are admitted for open-heart surgery. The ultimate surgeon, God, is ready to replace your heart valves, repair the damaged areas of your heart, and transform you into the wonderful being he created you to be. Turn your lessons into blessings as you open your heart and write your vision.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Regina Warren’s new book shares a wonderful reading experience as the readers discover how God wants them to be healed no matter how broken and damaged their hearts and lives are.

With this purpose, Warren aims to tell the readers that God is the great heart surgeon—a Man who knows how to repair a broken and damaged heart.

View a synopsis of “Open Your Heart And Write Your Vision” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Open Your Heart And Write Your Vision” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Open Your Heart And Write Your Vision,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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