Regenerage Global LLC Establishes Regenerage Clinic Abu Dhabi In Collaboration with Aesthetic Polyclinic / Reviv UAE

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“This is truly an amazing and opportune time to be involved in the regenerative healthcare and longevity space”, Dr. Joel I. Osorio, MD, Founder and Medical Director, Regenerage Global LLC

Regenerage Global LLC, an emerging global leader in clinical, integrative regenerative healthcare and longevity, in collaboration with Aesthetic Polyclinic / Reviv UAE, a medical spa and polyclinic based in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Al Ain, specializing in plastic surgery, dermatology, dental services and aesthetic services, announce the establishing of Regenerage Clinic Abu Dhabi.

“We are extremely excited about this collaboration and the establishing of Regenerage Clinic Abu Dhabi”, said Dr. Kristofer T. Chaffin, President & CEO, Regenerage Global LLC. “Together with our two existing clinical locations in Cancun and Mexico City, and future sites shortly coming online in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, we continue to execute on our global strategy of building the ‘Starbucks®’ of regenerative healthcare and longevity.”

The global market place for therapeutic applications of regenerative healthcare and longevity is estimated to be close to $500 billion by the 2030s. Additionally, the beneficial impact on the global economy through enhancing human vitality and “healthspan” is estimated to be worth trillions of dollars on top of that. However, there has yet to exist an integrated, “one-stop-shop” model, that can service a broad range of patients, and combines a diversity of novel therapeutic and wellness modalities that currently exist, as well as those are emerging from development pipelines.

“We are very happy to be collaborating with Regenerage Global LLC”, said Sela Al Asadi, CEO, Aesthetic Polyclinic / Reviv UAE. “Their integrated model of combining therapeutics, stem cells, biologics, nutritional supplements, physiotherapies, and other novel emerging modalities, into a single service offering, fits perfectly with our mission in UAE and the greater GCC region.”

Over the last decade, the healthcare industry has emerged as one of the most critical sectors for economic diversification in the GCC, with UAE emerging as a major regional leader. The combination of government support, regulatory environment, infrastructure and top talent makes it a prime destination to service the health needs of patients across the region who come to UAE for a range of specialized treatments.

“This is truly an amazing and opportune time to be involved in the regenerative healthcare and longevity space”, Dr. Joel I. Osorio, MD, Founder and Medical Director, Regenerage Global LLC. “The combination of emerging therapeutic modalities, globalization of medical training, the growth of medical travel/tourism, and unique regulatory environments, yield a perfect environment for us to execute on our business model, and impact human health, vitality and longevity at a level unreachable just a few years ago.”

Regenerage Global LLC

Regenerage Global LLC, ( is an emerging global leader in clinical, integrative regenerative healthcare and longevity.

Aesthetic Polyclinic / Reviv UAE

Aesthetic Polyclinic / Reviv UAE, is a medical spa and polyclinic based in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Al Ain, specializing in plastic surgery, dermatology, dental services and aesthetic services.

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