R3 Stem Cell Now Teaching PRP Facelift at Its Regenerative Aesthetics Training Course


Stem Cell and PRP Facelift Training

These procedures are the future of aesthetics. PRP therapy in conjunction with stem cells and exosomes work exceptionally well with thread lifting for optimal outcomes. But they’re hard to do, so hands on training is critical!

R3 Stem Cell is now including the PRP facelift procedure at its regenerative aesthetics training course November 15-16, 2019 in Scottsdale, AZ. The aesthetics training is hands on with real patients, real stem cell biologics, and expert trainers to walk providers through the techniques.

Most aesthetics courses include few models and minimal hands on training. R3 Stem Cell Training understands that facial rejuvenation procedures are best learned with repetition on real patients under expert trainer supervision. Only real biologics are used, including PRP, stem cell and exosomes along with PDO thread lifts.

In conjunction with stem cell and exosome therapy, facial rejuvenation is a highly effective procedure where hands on training is exceptionally helpful. Real patients are evaluated so providers can understand the decision making process for whether to incorporate fillers, thread lifts, micro needling or facial injections for the treatments. The biologics decision will also be taught, since it’s not a straightforward procedure.

PRP therapy, which is short for platelet rich plasma therapy, is not as straightforward as most providers think. At the R3 training, providers will learn the difference between a single versus double spin, when to use platelet poor versus rich plasma, and how to activate the biologic as well for the best outcome. In addition, the attendees will learn where to inject on the face, needle size, dilution ratios, how to numb appropriately and all about pricing.

Said R3 CEO David Greene, MD, MBA, “These procedures are the future of aesthetics. PRP therapy in conjunction with stem cells and exosomes work exceptionally well with thread lifting for optimal outcomes. But they’re hard to do, so hands on training is critical!”

The regenerative aesthetics and PRP Facelift training fills up fast, so providers interested should visit https://stemcelltrainingcourse.org/aesthetics or call (844) GET-STEM quickly.

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