Quail Systems Partners with Stanford University’s Residential and Dining Services

We applaud the proactive measures they have taken to protect their campus. Ozone removes pesticides and kills E. coli, listeria, salmonella, norovirus and hepatitis A.

Earlier this year, Stanford University’s Residential and Dining Services installed multiple units of the Quality Food Preparation Series from Quail Systems, LLC, a leader in ozone generators that protect the food chain from farm to fork.

“We’re excited to be able to share the Quail team’s decades of knowledge, research and experience to allow Stanford to effectively utilize ozone for health and sanitizing,” Robert Smith, Quail Systems President and CEO, said. “We applaud the proactive measures they have taken to protect their campus. Ozone removes pesticides and kills E. coli, listeria, salmonella, norovirus and hepatitis A,” he added.

Quail’s Quality Food Preparation Series offers both ozonated water and air. The system infuses ozone in the water supply for washing and rinsing meats, produce, kitchen tools and surfaces. Users also can inject ozonated air directly into packaging.

Approved by the FDA and USDA, ozone is recognized as the most effective antimicrobial disinfectant on the market. Quail’s safe, advanced technology produces ozone onsite. Quail System products allow food providers to meet the Food Safety Modernization Act’s requirements to transport food in a safe, clean environment and prevent cross-contamination.

In addition to the Quality Food Preparation Series, Quail Systems focuses on protecting the food chain through the Refrigerated Transportation Series, the Mobile Sanitizing Series and the Universal System. Smith established Quail Systems, a Tennessee company, with a mission of providing the highest quality ozone systems, monitoring and service. Additional information about Quail Systems is available at https://quailsystems.com/.

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