Pinnacle Performance Company Launches Ascend Program to Encourage Effective Communication Skills Retention and Behavior Change

Effective Communication Skills

We view communication skills like any other skill or behavior. To promote behavior change, create new habits, and reinforce long term skill adoption and retention, communicators, like athletes or musicians, must keep their skills crisp through continuous practice.

Pinnacle Performance Company, a premier global communication skills training firm, launched its new Pinnacle Ascend Program today to further encourage past Pinnacle workshop participants adopt, retain, and apply Pinnacle’s effective communication skills training in the workplace.

Advanced Presentation Skills and Advanced One-to-One Communication Skills are the first two workshops available in the Pinnacle Ascend Program. These interactive, exercise-based workshops were designed for past workshop participants who want to continue their education. The instructor-led workshops are delivered on-site and culminate in project-based simulations applicable and customized to participant’s role.

“We view communication skills like any other skill or behavior,” said David Lewis, CEO and co-founder of Pinnacle Performance Company. “To promote behavior change, create new habits, and reinforce long term skill adoption and retention, communicators, like athletes or musicians, must keep their skills crisp through continuous practice. We created the Pinnacle Ascend Program to encourage workshop participants further sharpen their communication skills and refresh their abilities through intense, practical simulations.”

According to LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends Report, 92 percent of talent professionals and hiring managers said soft skills are just as important or more important than hard skills when hiring talent. Eighty percent also said soft skills are increasingly important to company success. According to LinkedIn’s 2018 Workplace Learning & Development Report, the number one priority for training was soft skills.

“The two most common comments we receive at the end of a Pinnacle workshop are ‘I wish there was another day’ or ‘What’s next?’,” added Lewis. “We are passionate about life-long learning. In addition to our Video Learning Modules, our Virtual Coach, and our online Learning Vault, our new Ascend Program supports our commitment to long-term retention of our techniques for professional success and greater return on investment.”

About Pinnacle Performance Company

Pinnacle Performance Company provides individuals, from introverts to polished speakers, with the tools and techniques needed to become more influential communicators. By applying our innovative, three-step process, Pinnacle shows you how focusing on your message’s objective and delivery will allow you to achieve specific audience reactions, captivate your audience and communicate like a true leader.

Pinnacle Performance Company’s exclusive master instructors have trained thousands of business professionals worldwide, including CEOs, senior executives, professional speakers, sales people, trainers, engineers, customer service representatives, and more. The company has trained in more than 40 countries for well-recognized bluechip companies like Accenture, AstraZeneca, Apple, CapGemini, 3M, TripAdvisor, Oracle, Barclays, Underwriters Laboratories, KPMG, Emirates Airlines, Infosys, and more.

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