Paul Petrus’s newly released “Round Trip to Emmaus” is a masterful story that introduces the women of the past centuries who believed they were freed by Christ

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“Round Trip to Emmaus”: a riveting exposition of the miracles of Jesus, enabling the readers to witness His power and might. “Round Trip to Emmaus” is the creation of published author Paul Petrus, a retired communications practitioner, columnist, and media correspondent.

Petrus writes, “The story introduces courageous women who believed that, because the first contacts of the Messiah were with women, Jesus liberated women from brutal submissiveness in the first century.

“Yet, this viewpoint could still apply to religious women in our twenty-first century. This theory could be also acceptable to women involved in Christian communities and churches who believe they deserve to be elevated to be men’s equals.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Petrus’s new book shares an unforgettable reading experience that enables readers to know the story is relevant today to Christians who believe Christ did not differentiate between men and women.

This book reminds the readers of the story in the Bible where Jesus approached the three men who were about to leave Jerusalem, but then returned after realizing that the man who was with them in their road to Emmaus was the risen Christ.

View a synopsis of “Round Trip to Emmaus” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Round Trip to Emmaus” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Round Trip to Emmaus,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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