Paul M. Feinberg, PhD’s newly released “My Neighbor John” is a brilliant key to understanding the Scriptures’ truths within this complex narrative

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“My Neighbor John”: a potent tale about a young child who built a friendship with a man whose true identity is questioned by many. “My Neighbor John” is the creation of published author Paul M. Feinberg, PhD, an adjunct assistant professor of Geology. He has worked more than ten years as an environmental geologist and geological consultant. He continues to be a member of the supporting science staff to Dr. Robert Cornuke of the Bible Archaeology, Search & Exploration (BASE) Institute, now for more than a decade.

Feinberg, PhD shares, “Who is this kindly, spiritual, and mysterious man that has lived in the community for so many years? Popular in the church as well as among the community, he seems to play a part in many lives, always willing to help out, volunteer, or be a good sounding board. In fact, John Barzeb’s fishing store as a rule caters to both friends and customers, often indistinguishable, at its cozy lakeside location. John’s strivings within the church and town have been perceived to be unselfish and peaceful as a rule, but suddenly, something has changed with this familiar neighbor!

“Young Samuel Bodden is an eight-year-old boy who enjoys the world in which he is growing up, including school and church life, his friends, and his interests. He has a fascination with science in particular and has recently become enthused about the discoveries made in the field of biblical archaeology. His friendship with John was a natural one, where despite the age difference, Samuel felt always to be in a very pleasant friendship/mentoring mode.

“Then one day, Mr. Allen the local farmer delivers a closing prayer that greatly upsets young Samuel, causing him to literally run to John for help. On the point of peaceful resolution, Mr. Allen then suddenly lashes out at Samuel, evoking a response from John that no one expected. First, he orders Mr. Allen to silence and then to report to the pastor’s office. In due time, the church begins preparing for a debate ostensibly between faith and science and which promises to alter the course of the church. Unknown details soon start to emerge about Mr. Barzeb—of Jewish descent, an expert in ancient Hebrew, the brother of an actual martyr, and full of impeccable Bible knowledge. Who is this neighbor named John?”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Paul M. Feinberg, PhD’s new book is an astounding novel that brings to life the truths spoken in the Bible. With unique twists and an unexpected conclusion, everyone will find themselves fascinated as they read.

View a synopsis of “My Neighbor John” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “My Neighbor John” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “My Neighbor John,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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