Pastor A. E. Ellis’s newly released “Godly Instructions for Christian Men” is an insightful account that instills spiritual virtues for the Christian men’s enlightenment

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“Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father”: a thought-provoking opus that treasures reverberating instructions that desire the nurture of men of God and lead them to realize their true purpose as good and exemplary Christians. “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father” is the creation of published author Pastor A. E. Ellis, a pastor of a nondenominational church in North Little Rock City, Arkansas.

Pastor Ellis shares, “The main purpose for publishing this book is to give godly instructions to the men of God to help them fully understand what God has commanded of them to be godly men—godly husbands and godly fathers—and be a godly example for others to follow and live a life well pleasing to God.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Pastor A. E. Ellis’s new book is a comprehensive study that outlines biblical references and teachings that highlight the truth of what it means to be men in stewardship and reverence to Christ.

This book emphasizes on patience, understanding, and anticipation in learning the Bible and using it as the cornerstone in building toward a fulfilling and noteworthy Christian manhood.

View the synopsis of “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father” at traditional brick-and-mortar bookstores or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Godly Instructions for Christian Men: Godly Man, Godly Husband, Godly Father,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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