Paralyzed Veterans of America is a Lifeline for High-Risk Veterans During COVID-19 Crisis

Paralyzed veterans, and others with disabilities, are trapped at home and isolated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. These are the most catastrophically injured veterans with spinal cord injuries or diseases like MS and ALS. With underlying health issues, if this population contracted the coronavirus, it could have deadly repercussions. Most use wheelchairs and rely on others for daily care and vital supplies. Recently, U.S. Navy veteran and national treasurer of Paralyzed Veterans of America, Tom Wheaton, conducted a satellite media tour to discuss the hardships these veterans face, and how PVA is helping.

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:

If these veterans with underlying health issues contract the virus, it could have deadly repercussions. They have been quarantined at home since the warnings for COVID-19 began. They will continue to stay in their homes with growing concerns about exposure, limited supplies, increased anxiety, or depression.

Paralyzed Veterans of America is literally their front-line warrior to ensure they have a hospital bed if they need it, protective gear for their caregivers, in-home care, and for many, food on the table. These are terrifying times for this vulnerable group.

Paralyzed Veterans of America is working to raise awareness and support to make sure these veterans in urgent crisis can get the food, supplies, and medicine they need for survival.

In the video, Tom discusses:

  • The issues facing paralyzed veterans
  • How these same issues can affect anyone with disabilities
  • How PVA is helping
  • Where people can go for resources or to get involved

For more information, visit

About Tom Wheaton:

Wheaton has been quarantined at home since March 13, staying isolated to avoid becoming infected. He suffered a spinal cord injury while on active duty in Australia in 1988. He lives in Colorado with his wife, who is also his caregiver, and their two children. He can address the increasing fears and challenges that many paralyzed veterans are now facing including a lack of critical supplies, access to the specialized health care they need, caregiver interruptions, worsening PTSD and other serious issues.

About Paralyzed Veterans of America:

Paralyzed Veterans of America is the only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated solely for the benefit and representation of veterans with spinal cord injury or disease. For more than 70 years, the organization has ensured that veterans receive the benefits earned through service to our nation; monitored their care in VA spinal cord injury units; and funded research and education in the search for a cure and improved care for individuals with paralysis. Learn more at

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