OutstandingLife, the first non-profit Massachusetts LGBTQIA+ Virtual Senior Center, obtains funding from the Commonwealth

“When we invest in supports for our community, it is important to understand the unique challenges of those most marginalized. Too often, our aging population is overlooked and isolated from supports that already exist. OutstandingLife.org will bridge the gap between our aging LGBTQIA+ population and their community to provide a safe space to connect, socialize, learn, and grow. I look forward to seeing this program flourish.” said Senator Robyn Kennedy (D- First Worcester).

According to David Aronstein, OutstandingLife Chair “We are thrilled by and grateful for this historic funding. The legislature and the Governor agreed that addressing LGBTQ+ seniors’ need for connection, support, and growth is essential. Every town and city in the Commonwealth has a Council on Aging. But, because the LGBTQ+ population is dispersed throughout the Commonwealth, building a safe and welcoming community online makes perfect sense. We think that OutstandingLife is a great example of “Massachusetts For Us All!” .”

Elisabeth Connell, Executive Director of Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging added “MCOA is very excited to welcome OutstandingLife to the community of senior centers in Massachusetts! OutstandingLife will be creating and operating a Virtual Senior Center for LGBTQIA+ older adults. The creation of this intentional space for the LGBTQ+ older adult community to connect and thrive is inspiring, and MCOA looks forward to seeing the impact of this innovative virtual senior center on the LGBTQ+ older adults in our state!”

OutstandingLife’s Executive Director, David Conner added “We are grateful to Senator Robyn Kennedy and her incredible team for including the needs of Massachusetts LGBTQ+ older adults into legislation and helping foster connectedness amongst an often-excluded group of seniors. Through this statewide work, including a growing partnership with the Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA), OutstandingLife can now expand our outreach work across the Commonwealth. We also realize the work ahead of us when it comes to digital equity, so with our friends at the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) and Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly (LBFE), we will continue to grow our senior technology training programs to help bridge the gap of today’s digital divide. We welcome all LGBTQ+ older adults to learn about the variety of free programs created by LGBTQ+ people, for LGBTQ+ older adults, in the OustandingLife community.”

About OutstandingLife.org

We provide a platform and a safe environment that fosters joy and independence. We are a diverse community committed to uplifting our members most impacted not only by homophobia and sexism but through systemic racism, transphobia, and income inequality. As life expectancy grows, we are living well into our 70s, 80s, and beyond. Longevity requires new ways of connecting and thinking about our wants and desires in what we need and want to do during our entire lives. We want to treat each person with dignity and respect and help people achieve their best life.

OutstandingLife is in process to be a formally approved IRS 501.c.3 not-for-profit organization. However, OutstandingLife has a partnership with the Multicultural AIDS Coalition (MAC), a registered not-for-profit corporation in Massachusetts who handles its fiscal matters in the interim.

Media Contact

David Conner, OustandingLife.org, 1 8572094026, [email protected], http://www.outstandinglife.org

SOURCE OustandingLife.org

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