Oral Cancer Prevention and Early Detection

Dr Zorro from Smiles For Health in Bressi Ranch Carlsbad, CA

Dr Diana Zorro

People commonly hear that cancer is best treated in its early stages, and that is correct. The problem though, is that there is a low level of awareness and understanding, in the general population, of symptoms of oral cancer and how to detect them. Dr. Diana Zorro, from Smiles For Health in the Bressi Ranch community in Carlsbad, CA states, “The chances for a complete and full recovery are always best when early detection occurs. Further more, most patients don’t realize that there are simple preventative measures that can be taken to lower your risk for oral cancer.” She believes that you need to treat the entire body, when it comes to preventing oral cancer, instead of just reacting to symptoms. Proactivity versus Reactivity is always the preferred route.

Studies conducted by the University Hospital Regensburg show how little the general population thinks of oral cancer. Most of the participants viewed smoking cigarettes or alcohol consumption as primary causes of lung cancer or colon cancer. In fact even a basic understanding of oral cancer was nearly non existent. In an article found in the magazine Psychology and Health, the conclusion is drawn that people are generally not aware of oral cancer like they would be other types of cancer. They state that early detection requires that people are made aware of “signs, symptoms, risk factors, and preventative measures”.

When signs of oral cancer exist, early detection and immediate treatment is key. Dr. Zorro believes, prevention is the preferred method of treatment. It all starts with good oral hygiene at home and regular visits to your dentist. Specific probiotic bacteria have been found, in some studies, to lower risks of certain types of oral cancer. So, including different types of probiotics in your daily health regimen can lower your risk for oral cancer. Although widely known, avoid smoking tobacco, the leading cause of oral cancer.

To find out more visit Dr. Zorro’s website at http://www.smilesforhealthdds.com

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