OnviSource Releases its New Multi-Engine and Proprietary Artificial Intelligence Software that Powers Company’s Advanced Analytics, Robotic Process Automation and IVA

iMachine AI Technologies

iMachine™ AI Software from OnviSource offers Multi-Engine AI Technologies

With our new iMachine, powering our proven solutions with multi-engine artificial intelligence, we are well-positioned to assist enterprises in their digital transformation and next generation transition.

OnviSource announced today it has started the deployment of its AI-driven solutions powered by its new proprietary Artificial Intelligence software, called iMachine™. iMachine is the AI technology for Company’s multichannel and advanced analytics, robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent virtual agent (IVA) or smart bot.

iMachine utilizes advanced AI technologies and artificial neural network (ANN) and offers 3 artificial intelligence engines including NLP/NLU, Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Company’s solutions are able to utilize the most optimized AI engine pertinent to their specific application. For example, Company’s Intelligent Virtual Agent or smart bot, called Liaa™, primarily utilizes iMachine’s NLP/NLU engine; while Intellecta™ multichannel analytics and Automata™ RPA products may use iMachine’s ML and DL engines for a variety of their AI-driven features.

Use of iMachine by Company’s solutions in analytics, RPA and IVA significantly enhances their capabilities in effectively addressing today’s enterprise and contact center challenges in workforce optimization, customer experience management and business process automation; as well as automating the management of enterprise contents. iMachine can power virtual agents to sound and act similar to live agents while offering faster, more accurate, and consistent customer service. Content of calls, audio files, email, chat, text, and structured or unstructured documents can be analyzed by iMachine for discovering intent, purpose, compliance, categories, sentiment, root causes and complex information otherwise undetected by analytics that do not use AI engines. Using iMachine RPA can automate more complex, repetitive tasks that require deep analysis of unstructured content and events pertinent to complex business processes.

“For over 14 years, OnviSource has provided enterprises and contact centers with a broad range of solutions in optimization and automation,” said Ray Naeini, CEO and Chairman at OnviSource. “AI is finally here to transition enterprises to their next generation of optimization and automation. With our new iMachine, powering our proven solutions with multi-engine artificial intelligence, we are well-positioned to assist enterprises in their digital transformation and next generation transition.”

iMachine is equipped with user interfaces and training modules supporting its multiple engines. Users can select the most optimal engine(s) for their applications and train iMachine for their specific use cases. OnviSource also offers a series of professional services to assist customers in training iMachine for various applications. iMachine engines are also accessible through OnviSource’s open API platform for integration with third-party applications.

Historically, the use of AI technologies and AI-driven intelligent automation solutions (such as RPA and IVA) by enterprises required significant investment and qualified resources, hence, they were not affordable by all enterprises. Successful deployment of AI-powered solutions and full recognition of its Return-on-Investment (ROI) requires offering special programs beyond the technologies and products. OnviSource’s mission is to democratize AI and intelligent automation solutions for enterprises of all sizes by offering highly affordable prices, delivery options of on-premise software or SaaS, flexibility in customization, free consultation and proof-of-concepts; as well as post-sale operational assistance, at no charge, to assure its solutions work for customers’ specific needs.

About OnviSource

For more than a decade, OnviSource has enabled several hundred small-to-large companies across a broad range of industries to cost-effectively manage, automate and improve their customer experience and business processes by offering advanced solutions in multichannel data and media capture, unification, analysis, decision making and automation for their entire enterprise, including their contact centers, back offices and IT organizations.

OnviSource ia.Enterprise intelligently automated (IA) solutions offer workforce optimization and workforce management (WFO/WFM), all-inclusive Teleservice Customer Engagement Management, Multichannel Customer Engagement Analytics, intelligently automated Customer Survey, process automation through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Process Automation (IPA), and Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA).

The Company delivers its solutions as software products, cloud or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), managed services, or any combination. OnviSource’s special Advantage Plus Program assures the solutions work for customers’ specific needs by offering a series of customer assistance programs with no obligations, including consultation, proof-of-concept, and hands-on operation assistance. OnviSource is headquartered in Plano, Texas (North Dallas area), with an additional operation center in Oklahoma.

Media Contact

Deborah Cromwell, Marketing Manager

OnviSource, Inc.



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