NOVA ScriptsCentral Provides Emergency Aid to 5,000+ Afghan Refugees

When the number of Afghan refugees skyrocketed NOVA ScriptsCentral, a charitable pharmacy, became the lifeline for community partners who needed help obtaining resources to address the health needs of these refugees.

  • Marine Corps contacts NOVA ScriptsCentral to provide emergency supplies and resources to Afghan refugees at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia
  • By leveraging local and national partnerships with organizations such as Abbott and Direct Relief, NOVA ScriptsCentral rapidly mobilizes infant and geriatric formulas, personal hygiene kits, and other vital resources for refugees in need
  • NOVA ScriptsCentral collaborates with Direct Relief, an international disaster relief organization with decades of experience, to provide supplies and culturally competent care uniquely tailored to Afghan culture

When Lt. Col. Natalie Trogus (USMC) found her team unable to supply resources to more than 5,000 Afghan refugees housed on the Marine Corps Base Quantico in Quantico, Va., she turned to her personal network of friends for resources. With limited funds and an urgent need, Trogus knew she would quickly exhaust her resources and that donated goods were her only option. One of her colleagues, Whitney Zatzkin-Bowman, happened to serve on the board of NOVA ScriptsCentral, a charitable pharmacy based in West Falls Church, Va. Zatzkin-Bowman contacted the pharmacy’s executive director, Donney John, PharmD for help. In turn, John, leveraged his network, reaching out to Direct Relief, an organization that specializes in disaster relief.

The end result: Through its partnership with Direct Relief, NOVA ScriptsCentral, secured 5 pallets containing more than 14,000 goods. Among the many items were infant and geriatric nutrition supplements, soap, hygiene kits, and disinfectant wipes.

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About NOVA ScriptsCentral

NOVA ScriptsCentral provides quality, integrated pharmaceutical care and medication access for low-income, uninsured patients in Northern Virginia. Founded on the principle that everyone should be able to access quality, affordable health care regardless of their socio-economic background, the NSC model is based on best practices research and focuses on economies of scale, with all partner clinics using one pharmacy for the benefit of all. Since 2006, it has dispensed more than 320,000 prescriptions valued at more than $82 million. For more information, visit

Contact: Donney John, Executive Director

NOVA ScriptsCentral

P: 703-532-0269

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