Next News Network Gets Sneak Peak At New Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and The Squad YouTube Parody From Creator Chris Kohls With Sight On Netflix

AOC & The Squad Title Card

AOC & The Squad Title Card

If this show is popular on YouTube, if we’re getting a million hits an episode, we think we could hook one of the major entertainment platforms like Netflix. Frankly, they would be crazy not to pick this up. That’s the ultimate goal.

“Mr. Regan”, the conservative YouTube personality, spoke with Next News Network host Gary Franchi on his latest production, a hilarious new cartoon about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the ridiculous things her friends in “the squad” do in DC to undermine our Republic. Chris Kohls, who goes by the pseudonym “Mr. Reagan” on his channel pointed out to Franchi that more often than not, the left inserts their political views into a wide range of entertainment from movies to shows, yet conservatives don’t have much representation.

Kohls elaborated off camera, “The left has a monopoly on entertainment. We wanted to do something without all the SJW preaching. It’s important to get conservative ideas out there in a comedy show and there are so few shows that come from a conservative perspective, that we think we will dominate the space. And it’s not strictly an anti-leftist show. We’re willing to ridicule anyone.”

On the show’s popularity and Netflix goals, Kohls made it clear, “If this show is popular on YouTube, if we’re getting a million hits an episode, we think we could hook one of the major entertainment platforms like Netflix. Frankly, they would be crazy not to pick this up. That’s the ultimate goal.”

The two also discussed classic franchises like Star Wars, Terminator, and Ghostbusters that have seen the left inject social justice warrior issues and identity politics into their storyline, ruining these established brands. Kohls said “There’s just so much politics in entertainment right now, and I think we should just be able to step back and enjoy a good story without infusing politics.” Kohls is determined to change that while taking on The Squad with a healthy dose of comedy.

Wikipedia notes “The Squad” “is a group of four congresswomen elected in the 2018 United States House of Representatives elections, made up of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.”

The cartoon’s teaser features AOC’s squad discovering that Ilhan Omar is actually bald under her hijab and Kohls also revealed Next News Network host Gary Franchi will make a cartoon cameo.

Kohls remarked that many late night comedians, use ridicule of President Trump and conservatives that ends up pulling moderates over to the left. Kohls is doing his part to bring moderates over to the right by lampooning AOC & The Squad.

He also revealed the cartoon’s main animated superhero who saves the day in just about every episode, is the “Great Orange Patriot” and bears a striking resemblance to President Trump.

Kohls goal for the cartoon is to release a full season of about 10 episodes, and Mr. Reagan is asking viewers to participate in the production by chipping in if they want to help. He set a fundraising goal of $20,000 to pay for production expenses.

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About The Next News Network

The Next News Network is your most trusted liberty media channel for original commentary on US politics, the 2020 election, geopolitics, Constitutional issues, national headlines. The Next News Network is anchored by Executive Producer Gary S Franchi Jr. With over 1.3 million subscribers, and over 1 billion views on YouTube, The Next News Network has provided unique insight to viewers around the world since 2012.

About “Mr. Reagan

Chris Kohls is a YouTube personality who creates content around entertainment and politics with his mission as follows. “My mission is to spread reason and rationality throughout the world. I don’t believe in petty motivations, envy, hate, resentment, or greed. I believe in rational solutions to real problems. I believe that we have an obligation to help the less fortunate where they already live. And I believe in judgment, not based on the color of one’s skin, but by the content of one’s character.”

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