New York digital health company launches new public health tool to connect patients with local COVID-19 testing, clinical trials, plasma donation and more

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While coronavirus has swept across the entirety of the United States, many Americans are left scrambling on how and where to access care.

FindaTopDoc has long served as a platform that connects consumers with local physicians and health information. They also manage a dozen online communities focused on chronic illnesses.

“In the last month we have been inundated with requests from patients on where to find local COVID-19 care,” says Siobhan O’Grady, founder of FindaTopDoc. “What they noticed was information about COVID-19 was not only hard to find, but it was changing rapidly and siloed across multiple federal and state websites. What FindaTopDoc has done is to bring all of these resources together and put them in one easy to navigate place searchable by zip code. From testing, plasma donation, clinical trials, symptom screening, telehealth Q&A, and more; the COVID-19 Resource Center helps patients understand what care is local to them and how to take the next steps.”

The goal of FindaTopDoc’s newest tool is to meet people where they are on their COVID-19 patient journey. “For those not feeling well, we give them an easy way to check their symptoms or ask a doctor a question online. On the flip side, for those who have tested positive – we help them connect with promising therapies and treatments in clinical trials or at local doctor’s offices. And for those who are recovered and want to help others, we provide them information on what blood banks are collecting convalescent plasma donations.”

Through its ongoing development, FindaTopdoc is shaping and supporting digital health innovation and bringing together physician expertise to offer health seekers comprehensive resources to meet today’s healthcare environment.

Learn More about the COVID-19 Resource Center:

About FindaTopDoc

FindaTopDoc is a digital health company that connects patients with local physicians and specialists in their area. Through medical content, telehealth Q&A, and premier content marketing services for healthcare providers, FindaTopDoc’s goal is to guide consumers on their journey towards optimal well-being by providing them with actionable and timely information.

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