New Products from ReJuviance® – Topical NAD+

Topical NAD+ restores cellular energy generation for skin and scalp

ReJuviance® division of MicroSweep Corp. has introduced a family of new products containing Topical NAD+ to rejuvenate skin and scalp.

NAD+ is the magical coenzyme used by all living matter to create energy in the mitochondria, each cell’s energy engine. The valuable compound is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (CAS 53-84-9), which accepts and carries electrons to create ATP energy in the cell. NAD+ is also a critical signaling molecule that controls cell function and survival.

Scientists believe that NAD+ starvation may be a principal cause of age-related decline and neurodegenerative disease, because the body‘s ability to make adequate NAD+ declines with age.

Recent discoveries confirm that supplemental NAD+ provided topically goes directly into the cell. ReJuviance Topical NAD+ products contain pure, certified NAD+ in concentrations with transporter ingredients to assist delivery to sub-dermal skin and scalp cells.

These new products are available at and on Amazon.

“Topical NAD+ restores cellular energy generation for skin and scalp ” said John Edwards, President of ReJuviance®.

ReJuviance® products renew skin and scalp. See ReJuviance® products at (

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