New Interactive Product Platform from Radco Industries

The fluid directory page features an interactive temperature graphic displaying the recommended temperature service ranges for all the heat transfer fluids.

Radco’s new Interactive Product Platform, located on their website, uses a modern web application to streamline the on-demand delivery of key documentation for each fluid product.

New Interactive Product Platform from Radco Industries

Xceltherm Heat Transfer Fluid Properties, Usage, and Safety Data Available On Demand

Radco Industries, a functional fluids manufacturer based in Batavia, Illinois, USA has been involved with heat transfer fluids under the Xceltherm brand name since 1971. And beginning in 2003, they also added several flushing and system cleaning products for thermal-processing equipment maintenance.

Xceltherm Heat Transfer Fluids are used to control temperature in a wide variety of heating and cooling equipment and industrial processes, for manufacturing organic and inorganic chemicals, in gas processing and petroleum refining, in plastics, asphalt paving, textiles, pharmaceuticals, food manufacturing, solar energy, and more.

The fluids are based on a variety of chemistries and serve a wide range of temperatures (-100°F to +750°F) and application conditions. Sales engineers and customer service professionals assist end-users, OEMs and specifiers in selecting the right fluid for each application. However, with 22 different fluid products to choose from, in the past some customers have expressed frustration differentiating the products by name, by function, and for suitability to their specific needs. Now, there’s a solution to that problem.

Radco’s new Interactive Product Platform, at uses a modern web application to streamline the on-demand delivery of key documentation for each fluid product. At the top of each product page, a simple embedded form allows the user to enter an email address, click a single submit button, and instantly receive, via email, all the important documents supporting that product—the physical properties and engineering data, the safety data, and in some cases, the recommended usage instructions.

In addition, each product page features a prominent column of direct links to these same documents for instant download, and the fluid directory page features an interactive temperature graphic displaying the recommended temperature service ranges for all the heat transfer fluids. Many users, however, prefer to use the autoresponder form to instantly receive a fluid’s dedicated documents. The instant email arriving in the inbox provides a convenient selection record, a reference point, and flags the specific product (or products) of interest. When several products from several distinct suppliers are being evaluated, an interactive product platform can deliver a handy way to register the top product candidates and organize them.

In addition, registering interest in a specific product, submitting the autoresponder form, and receiving the documents, will also save the entered email address in the database, and trigger a concise follow-up message a few days later. This no-pressure, short email is sent to confirm receipt of the documents, and ask if any further information is needed, if any questions remain, or if pricing or logistics are required. It also serves as a scheduled reminder, in case the professional who requested the information is juggling multiple projects and can use a nudge.

This web application also creates a unique mailing list for each product, which can be used for future product updates, alerts of new documentation, and product-specific news. As the Interactive Product Platform is new to Radco Industries, this last feature hasn’t been needed or used yet, at press time. All received messages contain an unsubscribe link at the bottom, so further communications from each list can be permanently cancelled at any time.

This same autoresponder platform is also available, with similar function, on the [Tech Tips section of the website where thermal-fluid users and specifiers can enter their names and emails to receive monthly tips on operation and maintenance of thermal fluids and related equipment and processes.

John Campbell

Radco Industries Inc.

Global Sales Manager

Xceltherm® Heat Transfer Fluids

Radco Industries Inc.

E-mail: jcampbell(at)

Phone: +1-630.232.7966

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