NeuroX1 Inc. and Everlum Bio Inc. have established a co-development partnership focused on accelerating the pre-clinical development of small molecule therapeutics

Rick Barkley, CEO of Everlum Bio Inc., added, “This partnership with NeuroX1 Inc. is a testament to our commitment to advancing neurological therapeutics, particularly in the area of rare pediatric neurological diseases. By leveraging Chiron and our proprietary in vitro platform, we are poised to make significant strides in developing effective treatments for some of the most challenging neurological conditions.”

About NeuroX1 Inc.

NeuroX1 Inc. is a biotechnology company based in Austin, Texas, specializing in AI-enabled drug discovery. Its platform, Chiron, uses physics-based generative chemistry to design novel therapeutics for neurological conditions. NeuroX1’s approach aims to streamline the drug development process, reduce costs, and bring eQective treatments to market faster.

About Everlum Bio Inc.

Everlum Bio Inc., also based in Austin, Texas, is a biotech company focused on personalized medicine and known for its expertise in in vitro platform technologies and translational science. The company specializes in developing and validating innovative therapeutic solutions, with a focus on rare and neglected neurological diseases. Everlum Bio Inc. is dedicated to bridging the gap between discovery and clinical application.

For More Information, Please Contact:

NeuroX1 Inc. Email: [email protected]

Everlum Bio Inc. Email [email protected]

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding the partnership’s future plans and expected outcomes. These statements are based on current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially due to various factors, including but not limited to, technological challenges, regulatory hurdles, and market conditions.

Media Contact

Rick Barkley, Everlum Bio, 1 512-698-8913, [email protected]

SOURCE Everlum Bio

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