Navitor Sits Down with Industry Experts

See the industry from above….inside….outside…and all around.

96% of surveyed of Navitor’s online workshop attendees say the content “will make an impact” on their business. Distributors don’t want to miss out.

Navitor (ASI 81500, SAGE 53495, PSDA 1002) is bringing together three industry veterans and will ask questions submitted by distributors. These experts are: Nichole Stella from AIM Smarter, LLC, Matt Bruno, Executive VP with PSDA and Darin Painter, Editor-in-Chief with Print Solutions Magazine. Each will reflect on the state of the industry today from their perspective and will offer proactive selling tips and advice for distributors to carry forward during these unprecedented times.

Distributors submit questions to the panel as they register. It will be fun, lively and informative. Sign up today for this great Webinar discussion.

  • Our stats show that 96% of surveyed webinar attendees say the content “will make an impact” on their business. Two-thirds of them say “a strong impact.”

The online workshop is on Wednesday, September 9th at 10am CST. It’s 30 minutes then a 15 minute dedicated Q&A for those who wish to remain on.

“We’re excited to show industry from above….inside….outside…and all around,” says Stephanie Drago, Director of Marketing for Navitor. “Navitor has thousands of distributors and they’re signing up to learn more about the successes (and some fails of course) from our panel of experts.”


Navitor ensures peace of mind for you and your customers. Since we began more than 60 years ago, Navitor has grown to be the leader in wholesale, personalized printing. Today, Navitor innovations are redefining what’s possible in the printing industry. For more information, visit us at

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