National Pharmacy Organization, NACDS, Commends NY Gov. Cuomo on COVID-19 Testing Action

76% of New Yorkers say pharmacists should be allowed to provide tests for COVID-19, and 79% say pharmacists should be allowed to provide a vaccine or other medication to protect against COVID-19, when developed.

National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) President & CEO Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, issued the following statement today:

“Gov. Cuomo has taken game-changing action with his executive order authorizing pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests. We look forward to working with him on its implementation.

“This action builds on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ April 8 guidance and bipartisan efforts to reopen America. Specifically, Gov. Cuomo’s executive order removes remaining regulatory barriers to testing. Already, some NACDS members have helped to pioneer COVID-19 testing in New York through a public-private partnership. Gov. Cuomo’s executive order now will make it possible for more of these heroic, highly educated and uniquely accessible healthcare professionals to help defeat this insidious disease and restore New York’s economy. Frontline pharmacists have contributed mightily in other ways as well, helping to care for patients with other illnesses as heroes in hospitals and other settings cared for those affected by COVID-19.

“Just as New Yorkers have done their part with social distancing and doing their part to fight COVID-19, we encourage patience as pharmacies implement the necessary procedures following this important announcement. Participating pharmacies will work with the state to develop and execute their plans for testing in a safe environment, while testing supplies and personal protective equipment will need to be in place. Please do not go to a pharmacy today for a test, but rather assure that you know and follow the information about availability and procedures that will be announced. Pharmacists, pharmacies and New Yorkers will rise to the challenge of this pandemic together, as we have before.”

Opinion research on New Yorkers’ views on pharmacy-related COVID-19 issues can be accessed at NACDS’ dashboard – including the finding that 76% of New Yorkers say pharmacists should be allowed to provide tests for COVID-19, and 79% say pharmacists should be allowed to provide a vaccine or other medication to protect against COVID-19, when developed.

NACDS represents traditional drug stores, supermarkets and mass merchants with pharmacies. Chains operate nearly 40,000 pharmacies, and NACDS’ 80 chain member companies include regional chains, with a minimum of four stores, and national companies. Chains employ nearly 3 million individuals, including 155,000 pharmacists. They fill over 3 billion prescriptions yearly, and help patients use medicines correctly and safely, while offering innovative services that improve patient health and healthcare affordability. NACDS members also include more than 900 supplier partners and over 70 international members representing 21 countries.

NACDS members operate 2,500 locations in New York, employing 78,000 individuals.

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