National Certification Board for Alzheimer and Aging Care (NCBACtm) Offers New Eldercare Series

Industry leading certifications for caregivers, educators and relocation specialists.

“This curated news is created to give caregivers, educators and transition managers easy access to the most recent information in the field.”

Acting on clients requests from across the country, NCBAC has began monthly newsletters to provide interim updates to the information their certified caregivers, educators and transition managers received as a part of their certification training. The new feature focuses on interviews with leaders in the field of elder care and is published with two different focuses: eldercare and transition management (downsizing). Articles and news releases come from a range of sources including news articles and features, results of recent research and “how to” articles written by other practitioners.

Care of older Americans has become “front of mind” for Americans of all ages in the past several months. The US population over 65 is growing at an explosive rate. A large group of people in their 40s thru 70s are faced with helping their spouses and parents deal with the common diseases of aging. Seniors are downsizing (or “rightsizing”) their homes. Many seniors are working to stay fit and healthy so that they are able to help other family members.

The monthly newsletter, which has previously been available to those who are certified caregivers or educators, will now be made available to the public. Certified caregivers are also given the opportunity to answer quiz questions, based on articles, to earn Continuing Education (CE) credits.

Anyone interested in receiving the monthly newsletter can subscribe by logging on to the NCBAC website ( and provide name and email address.

According to Dr. Donna Surges Tatum, PhD, “This curated news is created to give caregivers, educators and transition managers easy access to the most recent information in the field. If they choose, they can receive the added benefit of receiving CE credit for answering quiz questions.”                        

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