Nathan Strong’s newly released “The Littlest Shepherd” is a soul-refreshing book that allows the readers to know more about Jesus and His unending love for everyone.

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“The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas”: an eye-gaping reminder that Jesus will come to any longing heart, helping them ease the worries and making their life complete. “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas” is the creation of published author Nathan Strong, a writer who grew up in the hill country of northern Vermont. Finding Jesus as a teenager, he went on to serve as a pastor for thirty-five years.

Strong writes, “Coming from an unhappy home in Bethlehem, the little shepherd boy was happiest when he was out with the sheep at night. An amazing midnight experience led him to go with the other shepherds to find a baby in a manger, a wonderful sight he would never forget.

“Moving to Galilee as a man in search of joy, he comes in contact with a young teacher named Jesus. When he finally gets up enough courage to talk with Him, he discovers an amazing connection that may also meet the long-held desires of his heart.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Nathan Strong’s new book is a heart-touching tale that gives the readers hope to never lose their faith as Jesus remembers everyone and provide completeness in one’s life.

With this purpose, Strong shares a remarkable message to everyone that Jesus never fails to find and bring any longing soul to His Father’s Kingdom.

His Marine son was killed in Iraq in January, and after a year of grief, pastor Nathan Strong felt emotionally drained, with nothing left in the way of comfort and joy to offer his church that Christmas. In fact, he wondered if God really cared for a country boy in the hills of northern Vermont. Then he sat down and wrote “The Littlest Shepherd” – a story about God’s care for a country boy in the hills of Bethlehem, which reminded him in a very personal way of God’s care for him. This story renewed his understanding of God’s personal care for anyone in need. He shared it with his congregation that Christmas, and now he shares it with the world.

View a synopsis of “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Littlest Shepherd: A Personal Christmas,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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