Modern Living with kathy ireland® Explores Improving Well-being By Eliminating Dirty Electricity with Stetzer Electric

Modern Living with kathy ireland® with Stetzer Electric

Modern Living with kathy ireland® is pleased to announce an exclusive interview with Dave Stetzer, founder and owner of Stetzer Electric to discuss how to detect and get rid of dirty electricity.

Modern Living with kathy ireland® is pleased to announce an exclusive interview with Dave Stetzer, founder and owner of Stetzer Electric to discuss how to detect and get rid of dirty electricity.

Dirty electricity is a pollutant usually present in homes and buildings continuously filled with electrical devices for convenience, work and play that eventually affects the health of everyone in the space. Stetzer Electric has revolutionized a way to detect and reduce dirty electricity with measurable results using their GS filter.

“Dirty electricity is high frequency energy that rides on the normal 60-cycle sine wave. It’s not something we want, as it causes health problems,” says Stetzer. “It comes from modern day electronic devices which run on DC currents. Now we use switch mode power supplies, turning electricity on and off thousands of times per second. This creates a high frequency energy that rides on top of the 60-cycle sine wave resulting in radiowave sickness. Diseases like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ADD and ADHD are said to have no know cause or cure, but their symptoms mirror those of radiowave sickness.”

Stetzer Electric has developed a filter and Microsurge meter that plugs into regular outlets. It gives a binary display to let people know the amount of dirty electricity present that needs to be removed.

For more information about Stetzer Electric, visit and tune in to WE tv as sponsored content on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 7:30am ET/PT. Please refer to your local TV listings for the exact time in your area.

About Modern Living with kathy ireland®

Modern Living with kathy ireland® is an independently produced television series airing domestically on WE tv as sponsored content and on Bloomberg Internationally. Hosted by lifestyle influencer and business mogul Kathy Ireland, the series features the latest in lifestyle and B2C trends, breakthroughs, and solutions, while highlighting companies from around the globe in a unique and credible format. For more about Modern Living with kathy ireland®, visit and check out the series on social media!

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