MIMIT Healthcare Leverages Biomedix’s Leading Front-Line Diagnostics Technology for Peripheral Vascular Disease, PADnet, To Save Limbs and Save Lives

“PADnet and Salesforce are foundational pieces of our community-based outreach program, enabling MIMIT Healthcare to work with doctors at the front line of care to deliver optimal patient outcomes through early detection and treatment of PAD with minimally-invasive outpatient procedures.”

MIMIT Healthcare, a multi-specialty health care group treating acute and chronic vascular and non-vascular related illnesses with several locations throughout Chicago, has successfully leveraged PADnet and Salesforce to coordinate with local doctors in delivering collaborative care. The world class care and minimally invasive treatments by industry-leading doctors, physicians, and surgeons, now combined with the revolutionary technology of PADnet, solidifies MIMIT Healthcare as one of the leading non-invasive health care groups in the nation.

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a common chronic complication experienced by patients with diabetes. MIMIT Healthcare, through its founder Dr. Chopra, and their community outreach efforts, have collaborated with local healthcare providers to identify patients with PAD early in the progression of the disease, to be able to treat them with minimally-invasive procedures that relieve symptoms without requiring surgical procedures, and prevent lower-limb amputations.

PAD is a chronic disease affecting 21 million Americans, including 1 in 3 diabetics 50 and older, and 1 in 3 adults over the age of 70. This disease impacts African-Americans at a higher rate, who are 37% more likely to suffer from the disease. Gone untreated, PAD can lead to lower limb amputations. In fact, 100,000 Americans suffer from lower-limb amputations annually due to vascular disease like PAD, and 50% of them will be deceased within a year.

MIMIT Healthcare and Biomedix are working together, employing collaborative care to bend the healthcare cost curve. PAD costs the US healthcare system $390 billion annually, with $8.3 billion attributable to hospitalization costs associated with lower-extremity amputation. The two-year cost of a lower limb amputation is $91,000, while the lifetime cost is approximately $500,000. So with each amputation prevented, patient mortality is reduced, healthcare costs are reduced, and most importantly, patient outcomes and quality of life is optimized through early detection and treatment of chronic conditions.

About Biomedix

Biomedix is the maker of PADnet, the market leader in front-line diagnostics for peripheral vascular disease. PADnet is the only diagnostic device that can support the identification of PAD and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) through a unique collaborative care model.

Press Contact:

Chris Trygstad

Marketing Director, Biomedix

Email: ctrygstad@biomedix.com

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