Microsoft Recognizes DEInamics™ for its Advancement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality

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“Research consistently shows that the presence of diversity across all levels of an enterprise increases performance and revenue,” says Dr. Shelton Goode, CEO of Icarus Consulting, DEInamics Strategic Partner, and recognized by Forbes as a top-ten DI trailblazer.

DEInamics™, Measure What Matters, is selected by Microsoft as part of the #BuildFor2030 Campaign in support of inspiring technologies that are changing the world. #BuildFor2030 launched on International Women’s Day to highlight technology that enables an inclusive economy, creating opportunities and positive business outcomes. Microsoft believes technology is vital to driving solutions that allow everyone, everywhere, to achieve more. DEInamics propels organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), advancing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality through its use of data and analytics. By showcasing revolutionary products as part of #BuildFor2030, Microsoft is making it easier for companies to reach the UN’s gender diversity goals by 2030.

DEI are benchmarks of an organization’s health, capacity to lead, and commitment to both employees and customers. DEInamics, a female-founded company, identifies barriers around DEI and supports the implementation of programs that make an intentional and collective impact. The Azure-based solution measures organizational DEI with quantifiable metrics and meaningful analytics. Organizations with a DEI mandate can eliminate guesswork, leverage data to highlight where improvements can be made, and ignite change by adopting appropriate best practices.

“Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts are no longer optional – they are table stakes. It’s not a want to be inclusive, anymore, it’s a need to be inclusive,” says Cathy Light, Founder and CEO, Liderança Group. “I created Liderança Group (which means leadership in Portuguese) because I want to empower leaders to lead effectively. I want impactful leaders to create a better company for a brighter world. Our solution is new to the channel. I am so proud that Microsoft already sees the power of DEInamics to drive equality.”

An abundance of research demonstrates that DEI is an integral part of effective revenue-generating business models. Boston Consulting Group surveyed corporations of different sizes from varying industries across eight countries and found that diversity increases the bottom line for businesses. According to McKinsey, “corporations that embrace gender diversity on their executive teams were more competitive and 21 percent more likely to experience above-average profitability. They also had a 27 percent likelihood of outperforming their peers on longer-term value creation.” And, the World Economic Forum states, “Companies with gender diversity in leadership outperform their less diverse peers. On average, they see a 48 percent higher operating margin, a 42 percent higher return on sales, and a 45 percent higher earnings per share. In addition, gender-diverse teams make better business decisions up to 73 percent of the time.”

“Research consistently shows that the presence of diversity across all levels of an enterprise increases performance and revenue,” says Dr. Shelton Goode, CEO of Icarus Consulting, DEInamics Strategic Partner, and recognized by Forbes as a top-ten DI trailblazer. “Yet, many organizations are still wrestling with how to create a culture of inclusivity and reap the rewards that diversity offers. To be competitive in the digital economy, organizations must reimagine their current diversity and inclusion efforts. The time has come to look through the lens of equity to assess how we attain a future of work that gives opportunities to everyone. DEInamics is that lens.”

DEI isn’t just a people and rights issue, it’s a significant driver for the global economy. The World Economic Forum notes that “the business case for diversity in the workplace is now overwhelming.” Economists estimate that closing the gender gap will add $28 trillion to the value of the global economy by 2025. It is estimated that gender gaps cost the economy some 15 percent of GDP. Put simply, companies and societies are more likely to grow and prosper when women gain greater financial independence.

“At Ideagen (a software company striving to create a safer world), we are honored to convene global leaders and luminaries dedicated to achieving the global goals by 2030! One of those leaders is Cathy Light,” says George Sifakis, CEO,Ideagen, and another DEInamics Strategic Partner. “Cathy and her team have developed a game-changing tool in the Microsoft App Source Marketplace to assist with achieving goal #5 — to achieve gender equality by 2030. We applaud these efforts by Cathy and her team at Liderança Group. They are changing the world!”

DEInamics measures leadership intention versus workforce perception in eight key dimensions, providing relevant data to initiate sustainable DEI initiatives. The advanced data analytics tool identifies barriers to DEI and provides comparison data to help guide actions for achieving intentional and collective impact. To learn more visit


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Amy Roberts, Mercer-MacKay Digtial Storytelling,

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