Mediaplanet Partners With Hematology Industry to Improve the Conversation Around Blood Health

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“Over the last six decades, hematologists have made momentous strides in research, including the development of new, cutting-edge therapeutic technologies that have paved the way for remarkable advances in the treatment of many serious blood diseases,”

Mediaplanet today announces the launch of the print and digital campaign, “Blood Health.” With the increasing prevalence of people suffering from blood cancers and disorders, it’s never been more important to educate the public about the human body’s “most valuable player” and current challenges that patients, providers, and researchers face. This campaign will inspire action and encourage readers to educate themselves by engaging with compelling stories of patients; announcements of scientific and medical breakthroughs; and new therapeutic and diagnostic approaches to blood cancers, sickle cell disease, hemophilia and other blood and bleeding disorders.

“Over the last six decades, hematologists have made momentous strides in research, including the development of new, cutting-edge therapeutic technologies that have paved the way for remarkable advances in the treatment of many serious blood diseases,” writes Jane N. Winter, M.D., president of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) in an introduction article in the publication.

Some of these cutting-edge therapeutic technologies include advancements in CAR T-cell therapy, sickle cell trait testing, and integrated, global master clinical trials for children’s blood cancers. CAR T-cell therapy “involves taking a person’s immune cells from their blood, reprogramming the immune cells to target the patient’s blood cancer, and then returning these new ‘guided missiles’ to the patient as a transfusion,” writes Winter. Momentum in research for CAR T-cell therapies for children is growing as well, since it has the potential to cause fewer side effects than chemotherapy, which is one of the key challenges for pediatric blood cancer’s current standard of care.

This year marked 10 years since pioneer pediatric patient Emily Whitehead was successfully treated for her acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with CAR T-cell therapy at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The therapy saved Emily’s life, and she is still cancer-free today. Readers can find her story, among many others, within the “Blood Health” campaign.

The print component of “Blood Health” is distributed within today’s edition of USA Today in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Carolinas, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Nashville, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and surrounding areas with a circulation of approximately 150,000 copies and an estimated readership of 450,000. The digital component is distributed nationally through a vast social media strategy and across a network of top news sites and partner outlets. To explore the digital version of the campaign, visit:

This campaign was made possible with the support of the American Red Cross, American Society for Clinical Pathology, American Society of Hematology, AstraZeneca, Be the Match, the Emily Whitehead Foundation, Genentech, Jerry Rice, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the MPN Research Foundation, TC BioPharm, and more.

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Shannon Ruggiero


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