Margaret Ann Fiore’s newly released “The Radiance of Christ” is a profound and personal read that shows the beauty and true meaning of being a priest

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“The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen”: a touching biography of a promising priest in pages that speak about his extraordinary life in faith and service. “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen” is the creation of published author Margaret Ann Fiore, a nurse practitioner for over four decades. She serves on the Rector’s Council of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. She was also the third president of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses and founded the Brain Tumor Support Group in the Metropolitan Washington area. Additionally, she has written several scholarly papers on the science and practical management of patients with neurological tumors that she presented to distinguished audiences worldwide.

Fiore shares, “The memory of Msgr. Roeltgen has not been dimmed by time. Those who knew him and were trained to virtue by his precepts and example love to speak of him, to repeat his words, and tell incidents of his holy life.

“Monsignor’s life and character had a beauty few achieve. The gentleness of his manner, the strength of his character, the validity of his priestly commitment, and the unswerving love of God, the Church, the priesthood and, of course, his brother priests and his parishioners were so apparent to all who knew him that we knew we experienced a rare blessing and were especially gifted by the Lord in him.

“This book will be of immense spiritual value to all who know and want to know God, and will strengthen their faith, hope, and charity in these days when there is an apparent conspiracy at work to erase the consciousness of God from the minds of men.

“‘We are but high up old windows through which the grace of God still shines.’ This sentence aptly describes our much loved and deeply missed friend. Monsignor Roeltgen was, indeed, a man who let the light of God shine through.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Margaret Ann Fiore’s new book is a great preservation of the life of a good and holy priest that will also inspire others who wish to serve God and His people. This creation is also a wonderful gift to seminarians, priests, laity, and everyone who acknowledges the commitment of men to the holy priesthood.

View a synopsis of “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “The Radiance of Christ: The Priesthood of Monsignor Kenneth W. Roeltgen,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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