Lighting Up The Sky To remember 6 Million Lost for International Holocaust Remembrance Day

“We at Mosaic Marketing are particularly proud of our comprehensive digital marketing campaign to promote this event. We have utilized a dynamic website, engaging social media platforms, and visually impactful digital billboards to effectively communicate our message to millions. A notable example is our digital ad for the billboard at the east entrance to I95 and I91, running throughout January, informing millions of drivers about the landmarks lighting up yellow in our community to commemorate this day of Holocaust memory,” Canosa observed.

BRANFORD, Conn., Jan. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — “As we take down our holiday lights, let’s get ready to spot the many New Haven area landmarks which will be turning on yellow lights on January 27,” observed Al Canosa, Managing Director of Mosaic Marketing located in Branford, CT.

“I am excited as we join landmarks like Niagara Falls, the Empire State Building, and the Cuomo Bridge, lighting up our buildings for International Holocaust Remembrance Day,” continued Canosa.

January 27 has been designated by the United Nations as the annual date to pause and reflect on the Holocaust and its lessons for our world. Between 1939 and 1945, the Nazi government of Germany methodically persecuted and murdered over six million Jewish men, women, children, and infants with a single goal: Eradicate all Jews in the world. That murder is called “the Holocaust”.

“We at Mosaic Marketing are particularly proud of our comprehensive digital marketing campaign to promote this event. We have utilized a dynamic website, engaging social media platforms, and visually impactful digital billboards to effectively communicate our message to millions. A notable example is our digital ad for the billboard at the east entrance to I95 and I91, running throughout January, informing millions of drivers about the landmarks lighting up yellow in our community to commemorate this day of Holocaust memory,” Canosa observed.

Why yellow?

“During the Holocaust, the German Nazis and their allies forced Jews to wear yellow stars of David on their clothing, marking them as ‘the other’, ” observed Doris Zelinsky, President of Greater New Haven Holocaust Memory (GNHHM) and the daughter of two Holocaust survivors.

“Yellow lights remind us of these yellow stars, the beginning of what became the systematic torture and murder of six million people simply because they were Jewish. The color yellow highlights how slippery the slide of hate can be,” Zelinsky added.

Greater New Haven Holocaust Memory is a nonprofit that cares for the New Haven Memorial and uses its story to bring forward the searing lessons of the Holocaust.

“Lessons from nearly eighty years ago are lessons that remain so apt for our times,” Zelinsky emphasized.

“Our Memorial was the first built on public land in the United States. This unique legacy gives us a special obligation in New Haven. That’s why we will light up our landmarks with bright yellow lights on January 27, continuing the strong tradition of the Memorial’s founders for our community to both remember and learn,” Zelinsky explained.

Canosa enumerated the area participants who will light up with yellow lights on January 27: Branford Town Hall, the Branford James Blackstone Memorial Library, New Haven City Hall, the “Fusco building” at 555 Long Wharf, the Towers on Tower Lane, Union Train Station, the Temple Street Garage, the Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale, 205 Church Street, Orange Town Hall, Guilford Town Hall and Or Shalom Synagogue.

“We are thankful to our participating landmarks,” Zelinsky added. “And we stand proud with them on January 27, 2024, as the first community outside New York State to light major landmarks yellow on International Holocaust Remembrance Day,” Zelinsky concluded.

Canosa and Zelinsky encouraged us to look up at these landmarks on January 27, to take in these shining yellow lights across our community, to pause, and to reconfirm our responsibilities to blunt the dangers of intolerance and the perils of hate.

Media Contact


Doris, Zelinsky, 1 203-483-4598 308,


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