Lessons on Reducing Site Burden and Increasing Diversity Through Optimized Pre-screening, Upcoming Webinar Hosted by Xtalks

Generating leads and finding potential participants for a study is only half of the battle.

The clinical trial industry is always looking for new ways to improve the effectiveness of pre-screening and recruitment processes. Generic participant lead generation efforts often result in unqualified leads, significant screen-fail costs and an increased burden on research sites.

In this webinar, the featured speakers will explore how optimizing the pre-screening process with the MD PreScreen solution can bring a unique approach that addresses these problems. This platform is powered by research nurses who educate, pre-screen and conduct EMR (electronic medical record) chart reviews in an inclusive and culturally competent way. This ultimately improves diverse participation and reduces patient burden and anxiety. This solution delivers highly qualified participant referrals for sites — improving the return on investment (ROI) on digital patient recruitment efforts.

Generating leads and finding potential participants for a study is only half of the battle. Those leads must advance through the pre-screening and screening stages before enrolling in a study, and that last mile is the most crucial part of the recruitment process. This approach builds a consistent, 1:1 relationship through a licensed nurse — creating the familiarity and trust patients are looking for when making decisions about their healthcare. This fostered relationship continues throughout the entire study, so participants have a single, trusted point of contact across their study journey, thus improving the participant experience.

Register for this webinar today to learn how a unique pre-screening platform maximizes recruitment ROI. This platform can be the key ingredient to address three common problems in study recruitment: screen-fail costs, site burden and participant experience.

Join experts from Circuit Clinical, Irfan Khan, MD, Founder/CEO; Drew Vandergrift, Senior Director of Business Development; and Lauren Del Prince, RN, Director of MD PreScreen, for the live webinar on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 11am EDT (4pm BST/UK).

For more information, or to register for this event, visit Maximizing Patient Recruitment Spend: Lessons on Reducing Site Burden and Increasing Diversity Through Optimized Pre-screening.


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