Les Triché & RoxAnne Triché’s newly released “Self-Counseling with STACT” is a brilliant combination of scripture therapy and Glasser’s choice theory and reality therapy

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“Self-Counseling with STACT (Scripture Therapy and Choice Theory): Getting What God Wants You to Have!”: a helpful handbook designed to equip individuals through self-counseling and counseling others. “Self-Counseling with STACT (Scripture Therapy and Choice Theory): Getting What God Wants You to Have!” is the creation of published authors Les Triché and RoxAnne Triché, tv show hosts and educators of scripture therapy. Les, the president and founder of IECAST Inc., is also a senior faculty member and director of community and behavioral health with the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory. RoxAnne, the executive vice president of IECAST Inc, is also a master facilitator for internal empowerment and leadership coaching.

The Trichés share, “Faith leaders and organizational leaders alike need real, usable strategies for counseling themselves and those they lead. STACT provides these strategies by using The Human Operating Systems for Getting What God Wants You to Have. Everyone who approaches their leaders for help or counseling do so because their needs are not being met in their own life. These unmet needs lead to every problem facing people today.

“STACT addresses these needs in a compassionate, efficient manner, and empowers people to make the choices that create healthy meaningful lives. The principles are ones that everyone can learn without requiring years of intense counseling or intervention.

“Using STACT frees leaders to delegate counseling when it is not within their own gifting or desires while helping to meet the needs of their congregations or organizations.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Les Triché and RoxAnne Triché’s new book is a powerful read that holds an ability to help everyone from all walks of life in enhancing their spirituality and their happiness quotient and finding their God-given purpose.

View a synopsis of “Self-Counseling with STACT (Scripture Therapy and Choice Theory): Getting What God Wants You to Have!” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Self-Counseling with STACT (Scripture Therapy and Choice Theory): Getting What God Wants You to Have!” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Self-Counseling with STACT (Scripture Therapy and Choice Theory): Getting What God Wants You to Have!,” contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

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